♡ Chapter 1 ♡

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I looked out the window of the car and watched as we passed by houses. I didn’t know the suburbs were this “perfect”. I missed the city already. I missed the lights, the sound of the streets and even the smell of coffee in the morning, New Yorkers love their coffee. I guess when you move from the big city to a small town in England it can be quite the transformation. I still wasn’t going to change me. Me was me, and I liked me. At my old school, I wasn't exactly the popular kid, but it’s not like I was a loner or loser. I was middle class in the high school social status, and that’s where I liked it. The popular kids just annoyed me. They walked around like they owned the place, and every school has popular kids. They’re all the same and oh so easy to tell apart. They’re good looking, more athletic and overall just gods to us mere mortals. It was quite a blow to anyone’s confidence. I wanted nothing to do with those kids.

As my mom pulled into our new driveway my mouth hung open. The house looked huge! I still missed our old downtown apartment but I guess when my mom’s company decided to move her to the England HQ they must have raised her salary. More money for clothes I guess. I still would rather be in NYC with my friends than having to start fresh. Ugh. This is so not the perfect day.

I got out of the car and walked into the house. The furniture was there and boxes were everywhere. Unpacking. My least favorite thing to do ever. I went upstairs and to the right. I saw a sign with my name on it. Must be my room. I opened the door and to my surprise I liked the room. It was big and roomy, then I saw two doors, I opened the first one and it was an AMAZING walk in closet. SCORE! That was definitely a pro. Then I opened the other door. My own washroom! Double score. Maybe I should give England a chance. I just wished we were living in London, not Cheshire and especially not Homes Chapel. London is where all the fun is, but no! Homes Chapel it is. I started to unpack my clothes when I looked out my window. I think had a heart attack. I saw a boy looking at me, then he smirked and winked at me. I quickly dropped to the floor. Who was that kid. Damn, he was kinda cute. I slowly stood up and looked out my window. The kid wasn’t there anymore. Who was he. Never mind. I need to help mom unpack. I walked downstairs and helped mom. Around 10 pm we finished unpacking. Mom said that the cable guy was coming over tomorrow to set up the TV and then the internet guy was going to be here as well. Fun. No internet. Mom said I should get to bed because my school was starting tomorrow. Why couldn’t we move on a Friday or Saturday. At least a day for me to settle in. School was going to be hell, I just had a feeling. I walked up to my room and climbed into my bed. School, in England.

There better be cute British boys.

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