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Figures, A Lovely Pair.

Mario and Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games – Figure Skating Pairs

By: Cutegirlmayra((So... I posted this ( watch?v=OaPD6GYvEU0&list=LL5qMq2pnvVgXBHE-V601aiA)) link on tumblr and got A TON OF VIEWS off of it. Then, my feels activated and the fanfiction just FLOWED right out of me! I wanted to take a break and try writing my 'upcoming' SASS(Sonamyshadsilv) Fanfiction but this just came over me and I HAD to write something! Anyway, enjoy~ ITS REALLY FLIPPIN CUTE)

Mario and Peach had just left the ice ring, smiling cutely to one another as Mario flattered his princess with words of endearment and awe at her performance during practice. "Yahoo! We're-a sure to win this-a figure skating competition! I mean-a..." he blushed and looked away a moment, hiding a bit of his face with his huge gloved hand and tilting his hat slightly as he turned his gaze from hers. "You're-a the best I-a know." He then looked back at her as she looked a bit surprised by his words and then giggled cutely, holding a hand in front of her face.

"Oh Mario, you-a make me feel-a better than gold!"

As the two walked by, Sonic looked passed them as he waited in front of the figure skating dressing room and rolled his eyes. "Really? They expect us to act like THAT?" he mumbled under his breath, and dragged his hand down his face. He'd have to put up with a lot today....

Today, of course, was the tournament to decide which 'couple' was going to be featured in the game's preview for the Figure Skating Pairs event. Obviously, SEGA choice the ever so popular 'lovely couple' they're famous for.

"Are you done yet?" Sonic called behind him, having a white towel over his shoulders and tapping the bottom of his ice skating shoes; which we're just his regal shoes but with the necessary blade on the bottom.

"Almost done!" A voice sounded back, as Amy swung the door open and did a little dance and her signature pose as she came out. "Weeellll~ What do you think?" She leaned toward him, making him shy back as she winked. "Do I look like 'partner' material?"

"I wouldn't know from a glance." He rolled his eyes. "Let's just see how you do in the ring." He folded his arms, this was going to be a long day...

"Sonic! You promised you wouldn't mop about this today.... You were the one that said you would skate with me and be my partner..." she looked down, cutely pouting and looking up at him with big, hedgehog eyes as she swayed her body two and fro. Bending her ears back for extra measure, she also made a small whine of disapproval at his behavior.

"As far as I'm concerned, you put me on the SPOT." Sonic unfolded his arms to pout right back at her, and then looked away as he shook his head. "I can still remember it... That darn announcement..."


"Hello, Competitors! For the Figure Skating Pairs Event, can both teams please choice a couple to compete against the preview image for this years Olympic games!" Omochao's voice rang through the stadium, as most of the teams we're all near the ice rink anyway.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Sonic could hear a high pitched squee and embraced himself as he sighed out in what sounded like exhaustion.

"Oh wow! I-a hope the-a best man wins!" Mario, showing his competitive sportsmanship, most likely acquired from all the Mario Parties and Super Smash Bros Brawls he's been in, and offered Sonic his hand.

Sonic shook it and smiled politely, but then frowned as he looked over to see most of the girls trying to calm Amy down as she spazzed out half way across the rink.

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