The story of Hezikia Jones

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Hezikia Jones, the angel child, the one who gets good grades, helps around the house, listens and does what is asked of him, and never, ever gets in any kind of trouble. But just nine days after his 15th birthday that all changed. His father was thrown into jail for DWI, bar fights, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence and robbing convince stores. His mother was stressed out about her ex-husband and had begun drinking way more than she ever used to. From all that was going on at the house with his family, pretty much as soon as he hit 17 years old he was diagnosed with manic depression, eating disorder, bipolar disorder and was a borderline schizophrenic. He was taken out of school about three weeks after being diagnosed because on top of it all he was getting hard core bullied by three guys named tyray, isaiah, and elijah. Hezi went to therapy once or twice a week. But was homeschooled by an online teacher. Even though he knew he had practically no social life, he still tried to go out to parties but would always end up making some kind of trouble some how. And what scared him most about that was he though he would end up like his father. He was so scared that that might happen, so he just never went outside unless it was to walk three and a half miles to his therapist because his mother got her lisence suspended and he hasn't been able to go take his drivers test yet. Once he turned 19 years old, one of his very few friends had committed suicide by hanging herself with her belt from her ceiling fan. She was found about three hours later in her room still hanging limp and lifeless wearing just a bra and panties you could see the old scars all over her chest and shoulders and stomach along with many new and fresh cuts all up and down her arms and thighs which were still dripping thick blood onto the corner of a piece of paper. That paper was her suicide note. It said: "hello, its me, Brittny Lee, if you are reading this right now than that means I have killed myself and whoever you are found my useless lifeless body. I have committed suicide for multiple reasons but I shall not list them because you probably want care just like everyone else. But whoever this may be reading this right now, would u do me a favor... Would u find my mother (I assume she is at some hotel with some guy somewhere doing something) and would u tell her to quite the drugs and alcohol she is going to get very sick if not already. Oh and if u could ever find my dead beat father would u tell him I still dont understand how you could live with yourself, never being there and when you finally came you molested me, then left to never be found again, i just hope u understand what u did want right and i hope it haunts you every night. And my little sister.. Oh Ashley.. Im sorry u have to see, hear, and think bout this.. I just want you to know and understand none of this is your fault at all okay. I was just weak and vulnerable and didn't know what else to do. And I love you sooooo much never forget that okay. And one more thing... Would you find my only friend that stuck by me and always helped me, Hezikia Jones, tell him I love him and Im sorry I just.. Didn't know what to do.. But its okay I promise Im much better now. But this is not for u I mean it for this lonely girl it was just better than being alive.. But I can see it clearly that things get way better for you trust me you just need to keep pushing on through. Please Hezi. Promise me you will push through. I love you. Feel better. Your strong. -Britt Lee". After hearing this terrifying news Hezi decided not to talk anymore unless it was important and just to his therapist, Dr. Esteves, but very rarely would he even do that. He thought that if he just didn't speak, then there wouldn't be so many problems. And he wouldn't say the wrong things and mess stuff up all the time for himself or others if he didn't talk. So he didn't. After going through with the silent treatment for about two weeks, his therapist told him to come tree days a week rather than two, and to actually open up and talk about how he is actually feeling deep down inside. So on that Thursday he went to his session and for the first time in a long time, he talked, but not just talked, but he explained all that was wrong to the best of his ability.

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