Ch. 9: The Death Of A Monster

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(Please listen to this song as you read the chapter. It will help set the mood and atmosphere)

~ Ren's P.O.V ~

      Elliot and I sat there for what seemed like hours but when the guards came to get Elliot, It felt like it wasn't long enough. "You don't have to do this, we can just leave now. Disappear like smoke, never to return. You can still live." His voice was barely audible and I lay a hand on his cheek, giving him such a sad smile.

      "I've already let too many people die because of him. Besides, I couldn't live with myself knowing that these lycans are hurting because of something I did and didn't make right." I'm squished into his chest and hold back a sob when I feel him shaking.

      "I knew your big heart would end up killing you one day... I just didn't expect it to be so soon." We stand like this for a couple more seconds before the guards physically drag him out of the room. It was then and there that everything truly hit me. Today, when the sun just graces the sky, my life will end. The lycan people will feel relief and happiness while the people I love watch in horror and sorrow. Just the thought of that sends me to my knees with my hands pressed against my eyes as fresh tears flow free.

      "I didn't know you were the kind to cry."

      I sniffle and drop my hands. "Even one's such as myself will weep as they say good-bye to the people they love for the last time." Not Even Ivan's dull tone could rouse my nerves. I stand and slowly look up at him. "Just be careful, Lycan. These creatures you're up against are very smart and won't stop until your pack is dead and they have what they want. And please bury me in a clearing in the woods with the best view of the sky, perhaps in a meadow or by a field of rolling grass."

      He sighs.

      "Any last words before we head out?" His voice was softer and his gaze didn't meet mine. I take a moment to stare at the mixed emotions in his eyes; anger, sorrow, hesitation, and fear. This man before me looks like he's carrying the weight of the world on his back all alone, and I don't blame him for being fearful. He has to protect everyone he cares about from a very strong and unknown opponent.

      I grab his hands in mine and whisper softly into his ear. "Follow your instincts little wolf, and may the moon goddess protect you. You're going to protect everyone, I know you will." He looks at me shocked as I step back from him, and his eyebrows turn upwards as his gaze softens. I give him a soft, knowing smile and gesture for him to lead the way to my execution. Before we depart, he takes my hand in his and gives it a soft squeeze.

      The entire pack was standing in front of the raised wooden stage, and they part when we walk out of the door. As I pass by unfamiliar faces, some are happy, some sad, and some relieved. I spot the different packs and their leaders, giving Alstair a slight nod. He returns it with an angry yet solemn look in his eyes. We walk onto the stage and Ivan reads off the charges while I stare out over the crowd. To kill something as powerful as me, they're going to cut off my head with a pure silver blade. Just like Werewolves and Lycans, silver also harms vampires.

      I get onto my knees as they tie my hands behind my back, just barely noticing movement in the back row of the crowd. There, standing in the middle of the far back, was Elliot, Reza, and Hollis. They all looked out of breath and had excruciatingly painful looks in their eyes. They made it just in time, just in time to watch me die.

      'I'm so sorry I can't stay with you boys any longer. I chose for this to happen rather then fight it so please don't bare any grudge against the pack and their Alpha. I committed the worst possible act against them and they are only doing what is right. I wish you boys the best in your adventures, and don't forget to look up into the night sky every once and a while and remember me. I'll always be watching over you. I love you all so, so very much' I tell them over our mental link and see tears fall from all their eyes. But even though they were crying, they still looked as stunning and strong as always.

      I could feel the cool metal press against my skin, burning it a bit, as the executioner prepares his mark. I don't look away from them, from the people who've become my family. They will live on after I'm gone and even then, I'm not truly gone. I'll always remain deep in their hearts and thoughts. I see the executioner's shadow as he raises the sword and I await the final blow that will pull me into eternal darkness. Just before the blade hits it's mark, I close my eyes and smile at my family while tears slip from my eyelids.

~ Elliot's P.O.V ~

      I didn't dare look away.

      I didn't dare look away when he smiled at us just before he was killed. I didn't look away as his head falls off his shoulders. And I didn't look away they carted his body off of the stage. Reza clung to me as if his life depended on it while he cried, and Hollis just leans on me with tears streaming down his expressionless face. All three of us just witnessed our most important person being beheaded like some lowly criminal. I know he told us not to harbor any hatred, but I just can't seem to do that.

      The crowd finally starts to disperse and as they pass us, they give us wary and uncomfortable looks. They're happy he's gone but they don't want to seem heartless to us. They'll probably throw a big feast once we leave; however, I'm not leaving until I catch the bastards Ren was trying to find and brutally torture them until they beg for their lives. And only then will I allow them to rest in order to start it all over again.

      A small, shaking hand softly touches my back and I turn to seem Jodie and her young daughter. They both had slumped postures, tear-stained faces, and paler-than-normal completions. Jodie's lips tremble as she tries to speak, but I stop her with a shake of my head and pull them into a hug with my free arm. It was quite amazing how Ren could bring people together, even with death. I've never met Jodie before this moment, but Ren often spoke of her with a gentle expression and a small smile. From what we've heard about her, she seems like an incredible woman.

      "I'm so sorry." She says as we break apart, and Reza and Hollis both shake their heads at her. "Don't apologize dear, it wasn't your fault. Neither yours either, young Alpha." Reza says barely above a whisper, and I turn to see the Ivan. "He asked to be buried in some place with a great view of the sky." His voice was soft and although his expression remained neutral, I could see deep emotions in his eyes. It was evident that he didn't want to kill Ren, but Ren did kill his father and he was forced to.

      "That's just like him."

      Hollis mumbles softly and we all nod in agreement. I slowly untangle Reza from me and hand him off to Jodie to take back to the house. Besides Ren, Reza has always been the most caring and valued his family above all else. And today his family got a little bit small, who knows how long this will deeply hurt him. Hollis and I silently follow Ivan as he leads us over to a beautiful black casket with white trim. I hold back all my emotions as Hollis and I get on either side of it and pick it up. A coffin usually requires six people to carry it successfully, but  we manage without a problem, and I doubt Hollis, or myself, will let anyone else near it.

      We walk for about twenty minutes before we come across a beautiful meadow nestled next to a small waterfall deep within the forest. This place is perfect although I'm a little shocked to see a grave already dug and an elegant headstone just in front of it with Ren's name on it. "I figured he'd like something like this so I came out hear earlier to prepare a spot for him." Ivan respond to my silent question as we slowly lower the casket into the ground.

      "How did you even find this place? You wouldn't be able to spot this if you weren't looking for it." Hollis asks and I nod in agreement. It was a stunning area, shielded off by thick tree branches that kept it hidden from plain sight.

      "It was a place I found in my younger days." Ivan responds vaguely as he stares off into the pool of water, and Hollis and I glance at one another. We'll leave that subject be. I stand in front of the fresh mound and desperately try to gather myself. Hollis joins me and with a wave of his hand, three dozens of eternal white roses blood around the headstone. I slip my hand into Hollis' and he gives it a gentle squeeze.

      Never will you be forgotten, I promise.

(Wow, ok. That happened. I will honestly admit I cried my eyes out while I wrote this chapter, and my roommate had to comfort me afterwards to help me stop. Bless her soul. So what did you guys think? Did any of you cry? What's going to happen next? Also a small update, my mid-terms are over with so I will hopefully be updating more frequently from now on! Don't forget to Comment, Vote, and Share!!)

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