Eternal Love Looks Something Like This

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Timeless Game

(Aged Sonamy Oneshot)

By: Cutegirlmayra (I need to stop making stories T0T But I'm afraid I'll forget them once I leave for my mission... so I'm hurriedly getting as much out and done with as I can. This is the last story I 'hopefully' write. Then I'll only work on chapters to get done. Plus... I missed my sonamy D:)

It's been 31 or so long years since I've been 12, let's just start this whole thing off with a fun fact.

Tails has moved on to be quite the entrepreneur, having a billion dollar company that creates the amazing and groundbreaking products you see today!... yippie... well, at least he's happy and put his greatest strength, his tech-savvy brain and kind heart, to good use.

Knuckles is still... Knuckles. Living and dying on Angel Island is kinda like his creed. He still protects the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald, although, Eggman's gotten a bit to old and insane to really be much of a threat to them anymore...

Speaking of Eggman, last I heard, he tried to fight the side-effects of getting old by mechanizing himself. He put a computer on the right side of his brain, and it ended up taking over and now controlling himself. It's kinda sad... the poor guy should of just retired, but he swore he could keep his mentality alive, if not himself. Sadly,... he's not much of a threat anymore, but more so a big annoyance to society. Last I've checked, he tried to cover the city in vanilla pudding and use the dairy product to brain wash kids into his army. Well, it took a long, long time to clean that up, and some people are thinking it's time he was put into a home.

And you know who...?


He won't have it.

He'd rather let Eggman die happy knowing he was still fighting his arch-rival. And if that means leaving us all behind to do his 'friend' this great service then so be it.

He left around 20 some years ago... and has been fighting, or at least...pretending to combat Eggman and foil his new latest plans. It's a miracle Eggman's still able to make robots to fight him to be honest.

Tails is the only one out of all of us that really knows where he is, and sometimes, gives us a ring and talks about what you know who's been up too.

And me?

Yeah,... me.

Needless to say, I waited.

Or rather,... rotted away while waiting to hear from him again.

I worked to keep my mind off my lonely and depressed heart. I've worked as a waiter, upgraded to cook, was a part-time singer and that lead me no where... a Gym instructor for women, that was fun. Moved on to Daycare teacher, but after a few 'single' dad's started showing up regularly with flowers I had to consider other options... There was an orphanage I tried to work for but that was a bit to depressing because I wanted to adopt ALL of them. And then... there's here.

The quiet and peaceful library of Station Square...

I work here as an old maid.

Still a virgin, mind you.

And living my life in a bitter and grumpy mess.

My optimism of my youth completely drained from me and a five year therapist that is probably more so a listener to me than an actual doctor.

I have a problem with... well,... with getting over you know who.

I'm writing a book! There's some good news... at least then I can jot all my feelings down and tell the exciting but lonely tale of a girl who loved a wandering hero who suddenly up and left her without a care in the world.

Timeless GameWhere stories live. Discover now