The Final Battle

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"...we love you, Braedey Martin..." a recording of Emile's voice spoke out, as the Daemon Ritus was absorbed into the robotic body. "I shall absorb..." Then, to everyone's shock, the chest opened up, revealing...

"Puppy Power!!" The obnoxious and egomaniac voice of Scrappy erupted from the chest, much to the gang's shock.

"Scrappy Cornelius Doo?" Braedey spoke in shock.

"Correction: the new and improved Scrappy." Scrappy declared, as his body began to change. "Because I, Scrappy Dappy Doo, have absorbed enough energy, to rule the world with my all powerful army!!" He then turned to the gang. "And I've brought you here, puny pathetic Mystery Inc., to witness my moment of triumph and revenge. All I need to complete my transformation is..."

Scrappy's body grew up to almost 35ft tall, with large claws, a large head, and looked more terrifying than anything the gang had ever faced in their entire career.

"BRAEDEY MARTIN!!" Scrappy then bellowed, his voice as loud as a T-Rex roar.

"Now, I wish I told that guy I didn't want to go." Braedey whispered, referring to the man that invited him to this whole thing at the farm a few days ago. Now, he knows Scrappy is after him, because he replaced him, and he was jealous.

"SEIZE HIM!!!" Scrappy bellowed, and Braedey saw the guards were around him.

"I'll tear you all apart." Braedey suddenly sounded furious, and whipped out his blasters, and began to run. "Cry some more, run while you can!" He began to fire at them, as he spoke in rhyme. "You little babies don't stand a chance. They call me Braedey, these are my guns. When they charge up, you better run!!!"

(A/N: the original lyrics belong to JT MACHINIMA and his Team Fortress 2 rap)


Up on the rooftop, Daphne had made it out of the tunnel. She ditched the climbing gear, and ran to the lever to open the vents.

But, as she pulled on the rusty old handle, she realised it won't budge, and the old vents wouldn't open. She grunted, and pulled harder on the lever, trying to open the vents with all her might.


"Señorita." Daphne turned around, to see Zarkos, and she began to perform Kung-Fu, Karate, Judo, and other types of martial arts against the Spanish masked wrestler.


Braedey continued to fire at the baddies, as Scrappy chased after him, Shaggy and Scooby. Braedey shot at the humungous mutated canine, but his shots didn't seem to affect the giant animal at all.

"We have to keep running, Braedey!!" Shaggy then screamed out, as Braedey ran with them.

"Scooby-Doo. Where ARE YOU!!!" Scrappy taunted, then stomped after the three. "Yield to my Puppy Power!!"

"Must keep running! Must keep running! Must keep running!" Braedey called out as he, Shaggy, and Scooby continued to run.

"We gotta tip over that protoplasm vat." Velma said urgently, as she looked around to see a possibility or an idea to knock over the vat.

"How?" Fred asked.

Velma looked around. "That pincer, come on!" She started to run off to where N'Goo was at the controls of the pincer, but only to be attacked by guards.

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