chapter 1 - traitor

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Another school day. I woke up early like the usual and went to school. So here I am, in Maths class with me doodling some random cartoons and patterns while listening to Mrs. Margarate explaining us on how to answer logarithmic problems.

So, I wasn't paying attention but it wasn't my fault it was boring as hell. Plus, I never even pass any of her tests (yet) that she gave and maybe that's the reason why she always try to make me feel embarrassed infront of the class by asking me some questions that I don't even know the answers to.

"Brooklyn Faith" I heard her call my name as she throw me one of her not-paying-attention-are-you look at me. I swear I haven't done anything crazy for me to accept that look.

Being the dummy I am, I immediately stand up from my chair that made everyone looked at me in surprised. Their wide eyes looking very tempting to make fun of me. Some were already laughing at me.

"Well, you're jumpy today" she said to me as I awkwardly nodded as the entire class stare at me. That made the students laughed even more too. I could even hear whispers from the back that made me feel more nervous.

"Do you mind telling me the answers?"

I could feel my heart beating faster than a speeding bullets. I should have listened but you know, math wasn't my thing.

"Uh yeah sure" I said nervously "its uh... its the emm...".

I am so dead right now. She waited for me to answer for a whole minute without hesitant to pick someone else to answer. At that moment, I was waiting for her to just get the hint that I don't know the flocking answers. But hey, life doesn't work the way we want it to. I'm about to guess that she's even willing to wait until the next day.

"3 log" a familiar deep voice suddenly burst from the corner of the room as everyone turned their heads to face the genius.

I could now finally sit again since someone help me out back there. So, I turn my head to the corner to face my hero and was shock to see the school's famous badboy, Cylde Russell to know the answer. I take back what I just called him. hero.

"Can you just proceed to explaining than waiting for answers from someone who doesn't even know what you're talking about?" he said and roll his eyes at her.

That was probably the rudest thing to do to a teacher but then again I was also thankful that he knew I wasn't understanding any of her teachings. Mrs. Margarate on the other hand never gives a damn about someone if they were low key just like me.

She looked very angry. By the look of her face, she looked like she was going to explode but it didn't happen. Instead, she continued her teaching without replying Cylde. I could hear Cylde chuckled victoriously that he managed to make the teacher annoyed and mad.

A few minutes later the bell rang and I was glad the class had come to an end. I packed my things that was scattered on my table and organized them into its rightful place.

Most of the students in the class hurried out of the class as soon as the teacher left. Probably worried they won't get any sits in the cafeteria. Meanwhile, I was calmly trying to organize my stuff into my bag but there were to many books in it to fit my bagpencil.

"Bag too small, Faith?" someone behind me said that only made me startled and look back.

As I turn around I was a bit surprised to see Cylde Russell talking to me. I was then mesmerized by his brown eyes and looks. He was wearing white shirt with artic monkey symbol on it and covered with his black leather jacket that only showed more of his fit figure. His dark brown hair looked messy but he manage to pulled it off showing more of his badboy looks which only make me pissed at myself.

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