Part: 25

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Damon's Pov

I know Bonnie will be  enraged but I have to get rid of the perfect stranger before she tries to hurt anyone else.  If it's a Salvatore she wants, then it's  a Salvatore she'll get! The plotting and hiding out was getting old so I'll just rip her heart out real quick and nip this thing in the bud before Stefan and his hero hair try to step in and negotiate some unrealistic solution.  I'm on my way to find her until Bonnie flashes in front of me, nearly causing me to fall over!

"Bonnie! Where the hell did you come from!? What are you even doing here!?"

"I know what you're doing Damon and it's a stupid plan! Now just come with me and we will figure this out together." Bonnie shouted at me while keeping her stance.

"Listen, Bonnie, I'm making it easier for all of you. I'll do the dirty work and all of you can keep your squeaky clean reputation, okay?"

"No! Damon, you don't know what she's capable of and I'm not going to let you get yourself killed because of your  STUPID PLAN!"

Bonnie then grabbed onto both of my arms as she teleported both of us to a different location. I looked around and realized where she had brought me. 

"Well...Bon Bon, if you wanted me in your bedroom you could've just asked. ;)"

"Whatever Damon, I'm not letting you leave! I promised Stefan that I would protect you from Amelia and that I wouldn't let you do anything...well...stupid."

"So what do you expect me to do Bon, just sit here and snuggle with you all night while Amelia is making a run for it!"

"Don't worry Damon, Amelia is not going anywhere because I have something she wants." Bonnie said with a smirk as she slowly pulled out a thick, brown book from underneath her pillow.

"She wants your spell book?"

Author's Note:

AHHH! Hello Klaroline fans! Sorry I took a century to come and write some more! I promise I'll be adding some more Klaroline and Stefan's Hero Hair in the next chapters! I just wanted to take a bamon break here because I also love them so much and felt like both of my TVD ships should be in the story! Please don't be shy to tell me what you think of the latest chapter! Thank you so much for the support! :) 

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