Part: 23

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                                                                                  Bonnie's Pov

I trembled as I looked at Amilia as she clutched onto my spell book; she set this trap for me. Stefan and Elena were just bait to bring me here. She smirked at me and began to come closer and I took a few steps back. She continued to walk closer to me until she had me backed up into a corner remaining a few inches away from my face. I thought she was going to strike me but she just handed me my spell book and smiled as she began to make me an offer. 

"If you're thinking that this whole thing was a trap, then you're correct. But not so I kill you; you see I could use a powerful witch like you by my side. In fact you're family is full of powerful witches, they just get stronger each generation. A Bennet's power is quit unique."

"Is this some sick idea of you asking for my help?"

"Not just your help Bonnie, but you're alliance, do you know how powerful we can be together?"

"I don't care! There's no way in hell I'd join forces with you! You attacked my friends then kidnapped two of them just to get my attention! You're a psycho!"

"Aww now that hurts, well if you change your mind call me."

Amilia said as she slipped a piece of paper with her number on it in my jacket pocket. She then patted my shoulder and walked out of the tomb.

                                                                           Klaus's Pov

Caroline called her mom and told her she was staying Elena's so she'd have a cover to stay with me. Her mom came home late most nights and she didn't want to be alone. When we arrived Caroline when right for my strong liquor and poured herself a glass; which was strange because she usually didn't drink that stuff. Suddenly she! She started to move and organize things around the room as she wiped the small wooden table placed in the middle room. 

"Uhh Caroline, what are you doing?"

"I just HAVE to do something!"

"Caroline please stop, none of this is in your control."

"I know! but Bonnie is my best friend and I can't even protect her!"

Her anxiety was starting to kick in so I tried my best to calm her down. I grabbed her wrists before she could reach back down to wipe the table. She looked up at me as she dropped the rag in her hand and buried her face in my chest. I wrapped her up in a hug as I held her shaking body against mine. I wish I could make her doubts go away; but I'll try my best.

                                                                          Caroline's Pov

I tried my best not to cry in Klaus' arms, I just felt so bad for Bonnie. She just started to discover her power and she's already recieving death threats! Everything seemed to be okay for the moment but these moments don't last long in Mystic Falls. Klaus snapped me out of my thoughts when he tugged on my hand to come to bed. We laid on the soft matress and I just wanted to sink inside of it. It was so relaxing, especially with Klaus beside me. I looked over at him as he used his hand to caress the side of my face before pulling me into a deep kiss.  We held onto to each others lips as I climbed on top of him. Our kiss deepened and we hardly came up for air; I almost forgot how amazing his lips felt against mine. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Our clothes ripped away so easily until we were both bare and under the covers. He was so warm that every inch of my body tremebled underneath his. I felt so relaxed and safe under his heat as our bodies moved in one steady motion. I felt so restless until after a while when we both collasped onto the bed. After the goosbumps on my skin started to fade I laid my head on his chest as he kissed my forehead in a moment of silence and peace before we both drifted off into unconsciousness.

Author's Note:

Sorry I took so long to update guys! But i hope you like the new chapter! What do you think Bonnie will do to fight against Amilia? And how far will Bonnie's friends go to protect her? Also I know my story was lacking some Klaroline love action so thats for you guys! Enjoy! :)

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