Chapter 7: At Night, I Think of You

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Hey, my loved ones, the author here, I'm Debbie and I just want to say thanks for the lovely feedback, comments, and votes. I love you guys so much!! I remember 3 months ago I was a loner up here, but thanks to you guys I'm known!!! P.S.  This chapter is SUPER long and you're gonna fucking love it!!!! (pardon my french)

Blossom was sitting on the ground when she heard Brick walking up behind her.

"Hey, I thought you stood me up." Blossom joked.

"Why would I stand you up when I told you to come out here?"

"Because that's something you would do!"

"Very true." Brick sat down next to Blossom and she scooted over away from him.

"I won't bite you, Red."

"I don't know that, anyway, what do you want?"

 "I wanted to get to know, Red."

"Like a date??"

"No, more like a meet and greet."

"A date, a meet, and greet, that's the same thing, but what do you want to know?"

"Well, what's your favorite color... wait I know--"

"It's pink, Brick. And your's is red."

"Okay, well, what's your favorite food."

"French fries. and yours?"

"Chili dogs! We go together perfectly."

"Why am I bring me out here Brick? Tell me the truth."Brick took a deep breath and let it out.

"Believe it or not, but you're here because I feel bad."Blossom was stuck. As far as she was concerned, Brick had no feelings whatsoever.

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, well when you told me about what happens in the dreams, I felt like I was in the wrong for messing with you about them. I'm crazy, but I'm not a rapist. So now all I want to do is make it up to you, that is if you let me?" Blossom was astonished. This was so unlike Brick, to feel bad about what he has done.

"Well thanks for your concern, I appreciate that, but I don't think we could ever get along--"

"Oh, and did I forget to mention that it's also because I think you're kinda cute too."This threw Blossom off completely. Out of all the people in the world she would have never expected Brick to call her cute. This made her look at him differently.

"Um... thanks. You're pretty handsome yourself."Blossom giggled nervously.

"Thanks, Red!"Brick laughed a little. They were quiet for a moment."This is going better than I thought it would."Brick thought to himself.

"So it's about time for you to go. I'll fly you home and--"

"No wait, I wanna stay," Blossom said quickly. Brick stopped short.

 "You do!?!"

"Yeah, I wanna get to know you."

"Like a date?"

"Nope. Like a meet and greet."Brick chuckled lightly.

"Alright, Red, but I'm taking you home at two. Okay?"

"Cool with me." And with that, they talked. They talked until it was like they had known each other for years. In the midst of this, Brick lost track of time.

"Dammit!! It's almost 2:30. I gotta take you home now."

"But I want to stay."

"But you can't. I told him I would be home by 2:00 and he won't open his door after three, so we have to go now!"Brick said urgently.

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