Angels dont exist ch 5! not hot enough
So, our team now is officially a team, and we are doing missions together. And beliee me this is boring.
"Come on Misa!! We gotta' catch that stupid cat today!" said Naruto as he dragged me out from my house. Well, yeah, he ame here like 5 on the morning and began to threw paper planes on me through my open window. Fu.
"Nooo! Please! I. Must. Have. Breakfast. NOW." I yelled at him and grabbed the door into my house. "PLEASE!"
"Grab some Pockys then!" he yelled and let go of me. I quickly ran into my house and slammed the door behind me. I heard Naruto scream something but I didnt care, I just grabbed some Pocky and tied my hair into a high ponytail. (a/n: do u say so? cuz i foggot -_-").
"COMING!" I yelled to Naruto.
(/._.)/ Time Skip \(._.\)
"Oh. My. God." I said.
"What?" Naruto asked me. I just pointed. At. Sakuras. Hair. And then brust out laughing.
I ran towards Sakura and pointed at her hair.
"O-omg! Why is you hair b-black and shaped like a ducks butt?!" I scremed. "HOW could this happen, little pinkyhead?!" I said dramaticly. "HOW?!" But, of corse i knew why. Cuz she really believed that Sasuke will like heeer~ *singing*
"Shut up! When Sasuke sees me, he will only love me! And only me!" Sakura said glaring at me.
I soon noticed that Sasuke wasnt there. I frowned. When is he gonna come?!
~15 minutes time skip~
Oh by the way, Sasuke did not come yet. -_- I decided to, just for fun, make a clone of Sasuke. I made the handsigns for a clone, but then I changed my mind. I will be Sasuke. Omg best idea ever!
I changed myself into Sasuke quitly, so that nobody on the team noticed. I coughed for myself just to see if my transformation worked. And it did. Then I touched the duckbutt hair. Thats strange... Is this a wig? Oh no, joking. His hair was just ungravited. Sigh.
I went in to the woods and then walked out feom them, all cool. Teehee. I "noticed" Sakuras hair and smiled. (remember im acting sasuke now!)
"Sakura.." I said in a 'sexy' voice and waled up from behind her. Sakuras head turned to me aka sasuke or sasuke aka me.
"Yes Saauke kun?" She askes i her very annoying voice.
"I...absolutely love the way you had your hair today...." I said in a eve sexier (xD) voice. What I did next would make me throw up the next two weeks. I licked my lips and purred: "Sexy..."
(A/n: hahahhaahahh omg EW. GOMEN MISA!!!!)
Inside I was throwing up alredy. Ewewewweww.
"You think so Sasuke kun...?" She asked, trying to sound smooth and all. Which failed.
I brust out laughting inside of me, but kept my 'smile' and nodded.
"Yeah! Totally..."I said, but then noriced Sasukes chakra apporch. (sp?)
"Um...Sakura..." I said. "I gotta..."
"What Sasuke? Is something wrong?" She asked.
"I...gotta pee!" I randomly came up with something and ran into the woods.
When I was in the woods, I quickly changed into me and walked out 'again'. But in my form.
I noticed that Sasuke was there alredy, and glared at me. Sigh.
Angels don't exist (Sasuke love story) A Naruto fanfic
FanfictionMisa Takaede is the name she was given at six years old, when she was taken to the Akatsuki. She doesn't remember a thing before that: where she came from, who she was, or if there is still someone who she can return to. Orochimaru, the snake like c...