Chapter Two

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"So your guys date is tomorrow?" Mel asked while pulling the Chunky Chip ice-cream tube out of the freezer.

I nodded, "yup."

She gave me a joyful smile while taking out two spoons from the washing machine. She slammed the tub of ice-cream on the counter in front of me.

"To celebrate your new boyfriend!" She screamed so the whole world could hear.

I rolled my eyes and began laughing uncontrollably. Does she really think we'd ever get to be a serious relationship? Uh no.

"It's just a date! We're not official. He'd never want to be official with a girl like me." I explained while grabbing a spoon to dive into the ice cream.

She pulled up a stole for her to sit. She gave me a dead glare.

"Your such a downer Charlotte! Never say never, nothing is impossible." She grinned at me.

She's right. I can be a downer at times but most of the time I'm probably the most jolliest person alive.. and the probably the most goofiest and clumsiest. Mel on the other hand is smart, but mischief, prankster. That's what makes her so fun!

"Oh shut up, Mel," I chuckled.

She just shrugged her shoulders and scooped a big spoonful of ice cream, she jammed it in her month and chocked it down. What a fatty, haaaa.

I checked the time and it was 5:39. I need to pick up my brother!

"Mel hurry up, put on your coat!" I yelled running to the coat closet.

I swung the door open and pulled my furry warm coat out. It takes me about 15 minutes to walk to my brothers school, so he's going to have to stand in the cold with the teacher waiting for me to come. I don't want them to freeze.

"Charlotte, you really need to keep track of your time!" I heard Mel scream rushing over to me ready to leave.

"I know! I know! I hear it from my mom all the time." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, your lucky I have my car." She smirked.

Oh gosh! Thank The Lord, I'll only be about 5 minutes late now.


I examined the photos of my dad and me on my nightstand. I was wearing a flower dress with a pair of black flats. My dad was holding me in his strong hands smiling away. He had a pair of blue jeans and a casual stripped shirt on.

I remember this day perfectly. It was my 6th birthday party. My dad got me my first real bike that day. I shivered a little remembering the day perfectly.

My eyes traveled to the next picture on my nightstand. It was when I was 10 and my dad took me sledding with my dog, Berry. We still have Berry, she's just really old now. Probably like 14 years old.

I forced myself to look at the last photo. It was me holding a silver charm bracket in my dad while my dad was hugging me. I was turning fourteen that day. I remember my dad bought me that bracelet for a souvenir to our father-daughter-love relasionship. A small tear managed to excape from my eye. I hurried and whipped it off, but two more drizzled down my cheek. At that very moment my little brother, Felix, walked in.

"Hey, do you know where my---- why are you crying?" He flashed me a concern look while placing his body on my large bed.

"Felix I'm not in the mood to talk. Please get out, before I snap on you." I bit my lip.

"No, tell me what's bothering you." He tried helping out.

I couldn't keep it all in anymore, I just exploded.

"Cause your annoying as fuck and I want you out of my damn room, pronto!"

His mouth dropped at my reaction. His brown eyes widen and became watery.

"Just cause dad died doesn't mean you have to yell at me!" He defended himself.

I guess he noticed i still had the photo of me and my dad in my hand. I couldn't hold back anymore, I'm going to kill this kid. No one talks about my dad. I don't care if it's negative or not. I can't stand the word "dead" and "dad" in the same sentence. It's just so cruel.

"Cause of your stupid ass I don't have my precious charm bracelet. You gave it to your friend like an asshole. Oh lord please restrain me from smacking the shit out of this little boy!" I tried control myself.

His face turned pale and his bottom lip began to tremble. I rolled my eyes at him not caring at all that he was about to ball.

"It's not my fault!" He burst end out into tears.

He whimpered out of my room to downstairs into the kitchen. Probably to snitch on me to my mom.

I truthfully did feel bad. He wanted to get his friend a bracelet so he asked if he could use one of mine. I agreed to him if he gave me his weak chore money. Well, I guess he got mixed up with my old charm bracelet that I got from Claire's with the one my father bought me. We tried several times to get the bracelet back, but his friend refused to return it.

I plopped onto my bed while all the guilt was eating me up. I seriously need to control my temper. At least I have my date with Alex tomorrow, to make me feel better.


This chapter just tells you about Charlottes past and what happen to her father. So how's Mel? I love you! Just wait she's so sneaky and slick. I love it!

Sorry it took so long to update. I've been super busy volunteering for Christmas events and such as. I promise the next chapter won't take as long. I hope you enjoyed.

Well six more days till Christmas! 🎄 I can't wait. Merry early Christmas!

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