Wingardium Leviosa

96 13 15

Theodore Alexander Nott took another swig from his Firewiskey. It burned the back of his throat and had to force it down, but Tracey Davis had gave it to him and he didn't want her to think him weak. He looked up to see Blaise laughing at him. His brown eyes crinkling at the corners.
"What?" Theo snapped.
Blaise smirked
"It's just funny to see you choking that down, why you even drinking it anyway?"
Theo leant in closer and dropped his voice to a whisper.
"Tracey gave it me, and I hear she's really good in bed, very imaginative."
Blaise snorted, as Pansy, his girlfriend shook her dark hair out and said
"Theo you wouldn't know the difference between someone who's good in bed and someone who even Malfoy wouldn't sleep with"
Everyone burst out laughing at this, even Theo, who had a good sense of humor. It was at times like this that they forgot a bloody war was going on and that the amount of people they had killed together amounted to 98, or that the amount Draco had killed amounted to over 100.

"What do you mean someone who even Draco wouldn't sleep with, I have very high expectations you know."
The trio looked up to see Draco scowling at them from the door of the house.
"No you don't, that's why you got so impressed by Bulstrode" Blaise whispered.
Of course Draco being the Dark Lord's right hand man had heightened senses.
"Well excuse me but she was very good, I had no trouble with her."
"You didn't or your wand didn't?"
Draco scowled at Theo for letting the cat out of the bag.
"Wait Draco imperised Millicent?" Pansy laughed into her Butterbeer.
"Probably but he used Wingardium Leviosa on Daphne Greengrass, well more on him." Theo grinned at Draco, enjoying the storm of laughter and mocking he had created. Draco's cheeks reddened considerably at this.
"For the last time Theo, I told you she just wasn't good, didn't get my motor running." Draco protested trying to salvage any of the dignity he had left.
A chime coming from the kitchen interrupted their laughter and Theo had to visibility stop himself from sighing in front of Draco one glance at Blaise and Pansy told him they were doing the same.

Merlin he hated being a Death Eater.

"Tracey I gotta go work I'll see you in a hour or so" Theo yelled into the house, his jaw dropped when she came out in just a dressing gown and her underwear. He turned an accusing eye to Draco, who simply smirked and apperated out of my way. A hand clapped him on the shoulder and he turned to see Blaise laughing at Theo being beaten by Draco.
"Well we all know Draco's better than Theo"
And then he to apperated to avoid Pansy and Theo's teasing remarks about how he knew.

When they got to The Base the smiles plastered on their faces soon was replaced by solemn and serious looks as they sat in their allocated places.
"You're late"
Voldemort's voice rang through the still air, sending shudders through Theo though he did his best to hide it as he spoke to the Dark Lord himself.
"I'm sorry my Lord the clock was slow"
Voldemort tutted as he stood up from his throne,
"Well you must pay for your mistakes."
Theo, Blaise and Pansy all froze, Drahad arrived just in time to escape punishment. Voldemort turned to him. And with a harsh command told Draco to punish the late arrivals.
Only Theo saw the fear and remorse in Draco's face as he raised his wand at the three of his best friends.
A blinding seemingly never ending white light came towards them.
At that moment Theo knew he was fucked

Authors note

Hi it's Merran here please please comment any requests and also the top 3 most active people will have a character named after them!!

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