Hide and seek

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The only reason I'm alive, the only hope i have, why I didn't give up, why I'm leaving is...I don't even know anymore...

My feet make a loud thud as I land on my feet. I look around hoping nobody heard. I walk to the back to the house and find myself in front of a brick wall. No regrets, right? I take a running start and jump over the wall. I hit the dumpster and fall flat on my face on...grass? I get up and look around. A forest, the perfect place to hide. I walk though, im not in a hurry now that I left everything behind. I find myself walking for what seems like hours until I find a pond. The sunset in front of me casts a shadow on he tree's, turning them into funny images. I should probably go to sleep now. But I oddly find myself fully awake and alert.

I throw my stuff on the grass and sit down. Calmness washes over me as the sun disappears behind the horizon. I glance into the water but what I see makes me do a double take. I crawl closer to the pond for a better view. My reflection was gone and replaced by something else, a wolf. The black and white animal stared af me with shock in its blue eyes. I had heard of things like this before so I swiped my hand through the water, hoping it would go away.

It didn't.

I got up and ran around the pond,  so did the wolf. No matter how hard I tried to make it go away, it wouldn't. How did this even work? I looked at my necklace as it started to glow. A strange warmth filled my whole body as I felt things inside me...shift. My eyesight suddenly was heightened and it felt like I could hear everything from a mile away. My clothes fell fell on me so I stepped away, but my body made me move my arms to. Thats when I realized that they were paws. My eyes widened as I realized what I had turned into. I quickly ran to my backpack, necklace flying around my neck.

I tried to lift it up with my muzzle but it was way to heavy even though I had almost nothing in it. Doing the only thing I could think of, I pushed my stuff into the pond. Nobody can find me now...not even her. She doesn't care about me and I don't either,  I dont care a bit!

I turned my head as I heard the bushes behind me rustle. A man, about my age, stepped out. I must admit the first thing I noticed were the wolf ears and tail. He bend down and picked me up like a baby, I dont know why but for some reason I didn't try to stop him. As he walked deeper into the forest I fell deeper into unconsciousness.


what the hell is going on?

all those years,

they were here first...

you won't catch me round here

you decided this!

you don't care a bit

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2013 ⏰

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