The crew

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Foxy pov
When Freddy and chica finally realized it was Bonnie. They then stopped hitting him with nails and wood.
"THaNkS GuYS For RuINiNG mY VoIcE BoX MoRe" Bonnie said. Bonnie's then started to have oil go down his head.
"No prob bon...." Freddy said "Bonnie I'll fix you...Foxy and Freddy pls leave and see where we are at I'll just stay here with Mr broken voice box" chica joked "HeY!" Bonnie whined. I left the room with Freddy  and saw posters "Hey Freddy look your gay" I said pointing at the poster of his replica "oh yeah and look your transgender" he said pointing at my replica "Fuck you! XD" I said laughing. We continued walking around until we got to the stage. It was empty,quiet and smelled like kids feet. "Who are you!?" Said an animatronic

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