Chapter 4

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Kys pov

I was shocked when she ran away sobbing does she really hate me ?
I'll let her calm down ten I'll go and talk to her.

" hey Ky ." I turned around to see a boy with brown hair and and hazel eyes my beta and best friend

"Hey max ." I said

"So you found your mate ?" he asked

" Yeah but she ran away when I told her we where destined to be mates ." I replied

" Sorry dude , maybe this is a big shocker to her and she got scared ."he said

"Yeah, I guess." I said

Then I herd my sister and maxs mate yell "STOP IT !!!"

I spun around and ran to where I heard them then I smelt blood I looked an saw my little sister and maxs mate beating up the two blondes that hurt my mate earlier

I looked to my right and saw my mate lying on the ground her back facing towards me shivering in pain

"GRRrrrrrrrr!" how dare they hurt her


I ran up to her and grabbed her and carried her to my car while I ran out of the school

I looked at her small fragile frame she was beautiful even in this state her eyes closed and her hair swinging side by side while I ran

I saw maxs jeep first and I ran to it I put jade in the passengers and I ran to the drivers side and I drove off to the pack house


I turned to see jade half awake

"Ky ." She said weekly

" Yes ,love ." I said while tears spilled out of my eyes she can't leave me not like this not now

" I want you to know I didn't reject you earlier I was afr-"

Then she passed out


I slammed on the gas pedal and drove off to the pack house

Jade pov

I woke up with horrible pain in my back I tried to sit up but realized it hurt to much "Uhhhh " I groaned I looked around to see I was in a white room on a white bed with red sheets wait these sheets weren't red that my BLOOD !!

"Where am I !" I asked to myself

" My pack house I'm glad to see your up how are you feeling ?"

I turned to see Ky sitting in a chair against the wall his eyes where red and puffy. Was he crying ?

"I have been better ,umm Ky what's your pack name ?"

"Black River Pack ,why what's wrong ?" he said

Oh no that my packs enemy if Derek smells there sent on me I would get a extra beating i started to whimper

" Hey it's ok no one will hurt you it ok " he said rubbing my hand

" ?" i asked


"What happened ?"

"Oh well you where getting kicked again and I took you here to get healed they broke a rib " he growled the last part

I was scared he was mad at me so I tried to move away "do...dont hurt !" I whimpered

I brought my hands up to protect my face while I shook in fear I looked threw my hands and saw Ky had a tear roll down his face and his eyes where filled with sadness and guilt

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just got mad that some one was hurting you I'm sorry "

I brought my hands down and saw that Ky was looking at the ground in shame

"It's ok I just thought you where gonna hit me ." I whispered

"What?! why would you think that ?!" He asked

"De..Derek" I mumbled and then cried

"Who is that ?"

" My " I shook horribly I need to stop talking he's gonna ask why and then he'll find out my horrible secret

"Why?"he asked

FUCK I knew it he was gonna ask I can't tell him I can't

"I can..cant tell" I said

He sighed "ok " then he was walking towards the door to leave

"Wa...wait!" I said weakly

He spun on his heel and was facing me "yes , love?"

"Don't lea..leave me "I said

He smiled big and walked up to the chair next to the bed and held my hand "I won't leave you ,I promise"

Maybe Ky wasn't going to hurt me maybe just maybe he actually might like me for me and not hate me for my curse

I smiled then I felt real tired and fell asleep

"Get up NOW"I heard a man say I looked up and saw my beta standing in front of me

I got up off my floor "Uhhhh"my side hurt

"I said GET UP "

I stood up with horrible pain

Then I felt a blow to the face and fell down Shit that hurt I grabbed my face and felt blood fall on my hands while I held my face

"That's for not LISTENING TO ME !"He yelled and kicked me in the gut

I looked up an saw him leave I cried quietly and fell into blackness

"Ahh!" I yelled holding my face I fucking hate nightmares

I felt a strong hand touch my back I thought it was Derek so I jumped up 10 feet "please I'm sorry I'll listen to you please just stop I'm SORRY!" I begged threw tears


I looked up and met sad and worried blue eyes

"Ky?" I asked shacking

He was gonna hug me when two girls busted the door I was so scared cause I thought they where rose and bell

"Ahh!" I yelled again tucking myself into a ball

"I'm sorry rose and bell please don't hurt me I didn't think they would beat you up please don't hurt me !" I cried out holding the back of my head while crying

Then I felt a strong pair of hands touch my back I spun around almost falling off the bed

I saw a girl with brown hair ,brown eyes ,pale skin , and glasses she was much taller than me "it's ok I'm not gonna hurt you calm down"

I felt another pair of hands touch my back and turned around to see a red head with brown eyes, and tan skin she was way shorter than me " it's ok sugar cube were not gonna hurt you "

I felt trapped " who are you ?!" I asked them

"Oh I'm skylar" said the brunette

"And I'm April but every one calls me red " said the red head

"I'm Ky's little sister "said skylar

They did look alike "wait ! did you two beat up those twins ?" I asked

"Yep we sure did how dare they hurt you " yelled Red

I shook she sounded like Derek when he was mad at me WAIT?

"Why would you beat them up ?!" I yelled at them

"Umm cause you looked really hurt " said Skylar

"I'm so dead I'm so dead !" oh no thanks to these girls rose is gonna tell Derek that I made them beat them up an he's gonna hurt me I got to go now I can't stay here !

"Wait, what? why would you be dead ?"asked Skylar

"I can't tell you . look I need to go home now I can't stay here !" I tried to get up but felt pain in my ribs

"Ah!" I cried out

"You can't go , your to hurt just stay here please " I looked up and saw Ky said that he had pain in his eyes and some how looked like he was ready to kill

I whimpered and tried to scoot away "ple...please le.leave me al..alone " I asked all of them

They exchanged glances and finally left I just sat there and cried not knowing what to do until Sleep over took me .

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