17. This is Why

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Rated T for language (nothing they don't say on the show.)

Emma's POV

"Oops!" Elizabeth giggles. "I guess we have to change our plans. How does this sound? I get to live, and you can all rot here."

Elizabeth smiles wickedly, before taking a step toward me. My family moves closer to me, almost like a barricade, but I can't let any of them get hurt. I advance towards Elizabeth. "Why are you doing this?"

Her dark hair is tousled around her shoulders, forming a black halo around her head. Her blue eyes are filled with hatred, and I can tell she was never interested in helping us. She killed Milah, my mind screams, even though I know Milah is already dead. What happens when you fall to hell? Another thing plays through my head like a broken record. You are going to be killed by your true love's daughter.

"Don't you see it?" Elizabeth says turning to face Killian. "I blame you. You couldn't save my mother, and in turn you couldn't. Save. Me." She pauses between the last three words, jabbing a finger at Killian's chest. "And, when you finally show up in the Underworld, you don't give a damn about me. You're too busy doting over your new baby and this, this bitch," Elizabeth throws me a dirty look. Ouch. "To pay any attention to me. I've had two hundred years to learn how to hate you, and, hell, have I gotten good at it."

I look to Regina, trying to communicate with eye contact to make a double blast of magic. I assume she understands what I mean, 'cause she gives me a subtle head nod. I try to blast Elizabeth with magic, as does Regina, but instead of seeing the blasts of red and white like I'm used to, we're merely left standing there with our hands out in front of us like kids playing pretend.

Elizabeth laughs. "Did I forget to tell you? We are standing in an cave that is pure Underworld." What the hell does "Pure Underworld mean? "What matters to you is that no magic from The Land Above will work down here, but mine will." With a snap of her wrist all of our wrists and ankles are bound, and I'm forced to my knees. So is the rest of my family. "I propose another change of plans. One by one, each of you go falling over the edge. Daddy dearest, the blonde bitch, the Evil Queen, and everybody else." She stalks us like a cat, before walking back over to the edge. "Who goes first? Oh! I know. How about my new step-brother?"

Henry. She has Henry. He disappears in a puff of blue smoke, reappearing next to her at the edge. "Moms!" he shouts.

"Henry!" I have never felt so helpless in my life. Elizabeth kicks my son, and that feeling of helplessness is replaced by anger.

"My own father loves you more than he loves me." She leans in close to his ear. "But at least we have one thing in common. They're replacing us both with our baby sister."

"That's a lie!" I shout before I realize.
I'm having a daughter. A little girl.  "Wait. How do you know we're having a girl?"

Elizabeth forces Henry to move closer to the edge. "The Dark One told me." Realizing she might have to be more specific, she added: "Rumpelstiltskin."

"You're working with him? Why would you do that? He's the one who killed Milah!"

Elizabeth sighed as if we were children she was trying to teach a simple concept to. "Do I really have to explain everything? I know he killed my mother. But he's offering me something I can't refuse. If I kill all of you, he frees me from this wretched hell. He's the one who told me where to find the flame." She bites her lip, then smiles. "I could have gotten it myself if I wanted to."

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