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                 First story, hope you guys like! :D


                                          "More Sazerac Cocktail please!" A wealthy woman called to me.

I looked at her up and down, and smiled," Coming right up!"

She looked back at one of her friend chatting away while I go back behind the counter and do just what I was ordered to do.

"Isn't today just as busy then usual. eh Rosa?" my partner at the counter smirked.

I smirked back and waved at her to get back to work. My name isn't Rosa if your wondering, it was a nickname given by all my friends. But to complete strangers, Hi my name is Rosline, 19 years old, and I'm working full time as a bartender at a very classy expensive hotel in the big island of Hawaii. I've been living in Hawaii about a year in a half before I ran away from my old pack. Yes I said pack, because I, myself is a werewolf and I choose to live a free life on an island alone. I couldn't deal with the pack life, there's so many things you can't do, and you have to obey every command by one person. Who is known as an alpha in the pack, the leader. And you know what sucks? If you are in a pack, you must remain within the territory unless you ask for permission for vacation someplace else. That's the one reason why I ran away. I wanted to live my life in Hawaii, but my old alpha forbid it so here I am today. A rogue.

Finishing the Cocktail, I went to the women who was wearing a Abigail Paisley Sequined Cocktail Dress. Pretty expensive dress that she would probably only wear once in her lifetime," Here you go madam."

Her friend looked at me while the one I'm speaking to just completely ignored my presence and continued chatting away.

I smiled and silently put the drink to her side trying keep my hands away from punching this girls face. I touched her slightly and apologized while walking away back to my area.

I began cleaning my area until a deep voice spoke from behind me," How many times did I tell you to stop taking what does not belong to you..."

"approximately sixty times," I replied and turned to him face to face in a staring eye contest.

"Be glad your the best around here, or I would have fired you a long time ago," He grumbled.

"best or not, you would still have no guts to do it boss," I teased. He was around 50 years old and the person who runs this hotel. When I arrived here, I happen to bump into him in a grocery store and commented how I'm looking for a fresh start and he offered me a job off the bat. since then we been close buddies. Hey, there's no reason why you can't have an old best friend to talk too, and no we aren't what most people would think... Just imagining it grosses me out, anyways he has a wonderful wife who happens to love taking care of me like I'm one of her children. Her name is Anna and guess what! She's full Hawaiian, and she's so happens to be teaching me her culture and language for the fun of it.

"Rosline... Call me Joe not 'boss" He sighed," and what did you steal from her?"
"But that just unprofessional," I rolled my eyes," All her money, and a fancy watch."

"Give it back, or you will be working here without pay until you decide to quit yourself."

"Why should I though? She didn't earn all this, who ever she is fooling with owns it. She probably wouldn't even notice the money is gone," I scowled.

He patted my shoulders and stared at me with those emotionless eyes," I don't care. Do it or You will suffer."
I laughed at his failed attempt to punish me, but acted along," Yes sir!"

He smiled and looked at my partner and nodded at her, then headed off back to his office.

"Your not going to give it back are you?" My partner whose name is Georgia asked with her Texan accent.

"Of course not, who do you think I am," I smirked and started counting the money I stole," Want half of it?"

"No, I don't want to be involved in your little schemes at all. One day for sure you'll get caught and I won't be an accomplice."

"Just knowing it makes you an accomplice for the crime of stealing from the rich."

She glared at me playfully and got back to work, while I started packing my stuff and head out.

There's one thing I haven't told you yet that should be important to know about me is that I love partying! I always go to a club right after I'm done with my job, and people who live here knows if there's loud music, alcohol, and a dance floor I totally be there.

Life as I know it is just perfect for me! And I plan to make it stay that way and no one will stand in my way.

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