Extra work thing...

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So like apparently, I'm really good @ Language Arts (reading comprehension specifically i think) ((even tho i did really bad in that class last year)) and my teacher this year didn't even know that I was in the harder-work-program thing

And tonight was parent teacher conferences and me mum was talking to my teacher about it and apparently my teacher was like "REALLY?! I would love to do stuff with her! One year I had some girls who did things like that and presented it in front of the class!"


I'm used to the "harder work" and "extra work" stuff cuz I did that last year (but i got to learn about norse mythology so it wasn't too hard bc i actually wanted to research that topic). HOWEVER, I APPRECIATE THE OFFER BUT I AINT PRESENTING MY WORK THAT NO ONE ELSE DID TO MY CLASD TYVM

I'm that kind of person who likes writing but not reading it out-loud because I feel like people will think I'm showing off if the teacher compliments me or that its awful XD Even though I usually like what I write.

On another note, my teacher saw me dancing like a crazy person in the car today. I hope he says nothing about that tomorrow pLZ DONT MR TEACHER I FNA

Also I think I overdramatized this chapter but that's probably because its 1am and I'm tired so I'm gonna go to sleep now XD

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