Guys my teacher tho

9 4 1

She's so niceEeE

So for homework last night we had to answer questions about an excerpt and then today she put my answers on the projector and read it to the class but she didn't say it was mine heheh

And then she asked me if she was allowed to say it was me and I said sure cuz, why not

aND THEN SHE TOLD THE WHOLE CLASS THAT I WAS "A REALLY GOOD WRITER AND DOES HIGH-ORDER THINKING" and then eVERYONE CLAPPED tho it was probs sarcastic knowing the people in my class XD

i was not expecting that but it was so nice


My friend says I'm her favorite but I mean she likes other people too

I just participate a lot

Actually no, it's just that only a few other people actually raise their hand so it seems like I participate a lot but really if people just raised their hands I wouldn't be called on as much XD

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