Im just me. ( A mindless love story )

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Ive always lived a normal life, 2 parents, a nice home, 1 little bro and 1 older bro, im kind of spoiled being the only girl and all but i dont act like it, nothing bad or way to out of the ordinary has ever happened to me in school im just that girl thaat evrybodiee knows and love but im not apart of that " popular  " clique. I dont have any super special talents , i love photography and i own like 5 different cameras each one does something different, makes the image special in some type of way,  but i wouldnt really consider that a " talent ", i exprese my self through my outfits thoo, im about 5'3 im 14 year old, i have straight light brown hair that stops at like my boobs and bangs that go straight across my fore head, my eyes are hazel, my skin is caramel, im jaimaican, and i have one deep dimple on my left cheeck Yep thats me, Jasmine, but my friends now they are some interesting people !

My best friend, more like sister Chanel is 14 and 5'3 like me but she can dance her ass off, thats because dancing was her only way to escape her horrible life, and when i say horrible i mean horrible ! Shes been through some fhucked up shit ! her mom died right in front of her eyes when she was 7 and her dad was the one who killed her, he was sentenced to life in prison without parol, nobody in her family even cared enough to take chanel in so she was an orphan. When she was 8 she got adopted , the guy who adopted her raped her and beat her senselessly until the lady across the street called the polive when she was 10. finally at 11 yaers old she ran away from the orphanage and found me(: Yes she does live with me i wasnt gonna leave her in the streets! Chanel is really pretty, shes puerto rican so she has really light skin, her hair is dark brown and really wavy but it looks good on her, her eyes are green and she has a dimple in her right cheeck ! i always call her my missing dimple since we both only have one

My other best friend, Gianna is 14 and 5'7 shes like super tall and shes a model ! Gianna is the definition of G O R G E O U S ! She hs long flowy black hair with brown highlights, her eyes are a sparkling clear blue, her lips are full plump and pink, ive never seen a blemish on her flawless face before in my life ! Every guy in the school wants her ! But she cant ever date again due to the fact that she got her boyfriend killed. She didnt really do it but she always blames herself for some reason? She was walking home from a photoshoot and these guys were trying to gang rape her, her boyfriend came out of no where like fxcking batman or something and he was trying to save her when they shot him. He died the next day and the last words he said to her were "I will always love you" pretty fxcked up right...

Next we have Lashay shes 15 unlike the rest of us and she is 5'4 , lashay has kind of a rough past. She came from the ghetto of compton into LA, shes been to juvi 3 times, and she just got away from a gang shes been in since she was 10. Which is why shes in the 9th grade with us even though she is 15 turning 16 "/ Shes not the most friendly person on the earth unless she likes you, she has a hot temper and sometimes i think shes bi polar. But this girl knows her fashion, the one thing that keeps her calm is making clothes and she is a G at it ! Lashay is heavy-set but not fat

Last we have Keyana shes 14 as well and is 5'0 yeep we call her chiquita which means small in spanish cause of her height. Keyana has the most beautiful voice you will ever hear in your life ! She sings like a freaking angel, she got her voice from her grandma who passed about 3 years ago. Thats when things got bad for her, her mom became a drunky and her dad just up and left, she lost a lot of her confidence and turned into this shy, quiet, sensitive girl. Shes bullied every day in school and im pretty sure the only people who care for her are me gianna chanel and Lashay ! Shes been afraid to show her voice to anybody but us and its kind of sad. Shes a petite little girl with curly auburn hair that stops at her sholders, with side bangs, piercing hazel/green eyes, and the faintest dimples you only see when she blushes. 

I guess you can say im the one who holds us all together. But the day we meet this 4 boys is when everything changes, for the best, and for the worst.

Im just me. ( A mindless love story )Where stories live. Discover now