Thunder buddies (Imagine 6)

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You roll over and stare at him. He's fast asleep his eyelids fluttering as you make sudden movements towards him. He turns and his arm snakes it's way around your waist bringing you close to him. You snuggle up to his chest and breathe him in. He smells like pineapples and roses, he smells like home.

He sturs some more, turning so that your back is flat on his chest and you can almost feel the beat of his heart. Your heart is fluttering and you try to control yourself. 'He's my best friend' you think 'nothing more and nothing less'. With that in mind you allow him to spoon you careful not to make any noise that would wake him up and make the situation awkward. You guys were always more of an actions speak louder than words duo. Never telling the other what was going on in eachothers heads, you preferred to show it and boyy was he showing it now, but he's sleeping you think.' He's innocently sleeping and Im trying to label that behaviour, why?? ' after minutes of deliberation you remove his hands from your waist and sit up.

Immediately he shoots up looking around the dark alarmed until his squinting eyes reach you. ' why did you move? ' He says his voice cracking and coming out all deep and slow. ' I was sleeping you noe 'he cracks a smile. He thinks this is a joke you think. He thinks we're just best friends when in actual fact your in love with him and can't let go of your feelings. You stare at him and yawn "it was an accident" you grovel. Moving slowly away from him. You reach the edge of the bed and swing your legs over the edge saying " I'm going to the toilet ".

You leave the room and head for the toilet walking on the cold wooden oak floor careful not to make to much noise, not cuz anyone was there but just respect, you don't know really it's just something you've always done. As you reach the bathroom you stare at your reflection in the mirror, splashing water on yourself you go 'pull yourself together y/n it's 2 in the morning, you don't have time for butterflies, he's your best friend of 9 years this is not the first time you've slept in the same bed before its not that deep'. You stare at your reflection once more and then you leave the bathroom.

Upon leaving the bathroom you hear a loud crash piercing through the silence, you heart drops and your body shoots up in the air. The sound ceases for a second and you think it's all over until you hear the sound again 'boom, boom, boom '.You sprint back to the bedroom door not caring that you may have pushed over the vase by the the stairs. When you reach the door you stand against it and let yourself get your breathing back in order. You look at your hands and see that they are shaking 'pull yourself together, pull yourself together ' You repeat again and again in your head. You check your hands again and realise it's worse than before they're trembling and you feel the water prickling in your eyes and you take a deep breath and enter the room.

Its dark in the room like a pitch black type of dark, the ones where you can barely see you hands type of dark and as you make your way to the bed it is suddenly illuminated by a bright glistening light and again the clapping of thunder. You shriek and his head bolts up and he stares at you. At first you see the anger in his eyes,then the confusion and finally the understanding. He beckons you closer. ' come here ' he coos. When you reach the bed he lifts up the sheets and scoot up next to him. He engulfs you with both arms and your left with your head again on his chest. "The thunder..." he goes. "How could I forget?" and you just nod. You close your eyes and you feel him staring at you his eyes searching and taking in all the features that you have.

Every line,every spot, every hair, in that moment it's almost like he sees into your entire soul. You open your eyes and blush. "why are you staring at me" you go and he replies " because I'm staring at the embodiment of sleeping beauty " and you heart melts, he was always so good with words, whilst you always used actions to emphasis your point and word was all it took for him to melt your heart to goo. " your good with words my friend " you taunting and you see his face drop. " Maybe I don't wanna be your friend anymore" he says. You stare at him you heart thudding and palms sweating just as the thought of him not wanting to be your best friend anymore, you both had been through so much.

"you dont wnna be my friend anymore," your voice cracks at the end. No he replies "I wnna be so much more" and with that he leans forward and kisses you on the lips. The kiss is slow and tender almost like he's brushing candyfloss on your lips,but yet it was still firey and passionate
You kiss some more your tongues weaving in and out of each other, your about to go even further when the clap of Thunder bursts into the sky and you practically jump out of the bed.

He watches you on the floor and laughs. He stares at the window and goes "way to kill a good moment " and laughs. You get back into the bed and he wraps his arm around your waist. "Its okay y/n, I've got you, I'll protect you my princess" and you scoff at the cheesiness, but then he says "and never forget it's thunder birds are go"and you laugh trust him to remember such a childish line when your practically hyperventilating and you turn over and kiss him softly on the lips, " yes" you say staring at him, and we are thunderbuddies for life.

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