Chapter 4: Double Trouble

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Chapter 4: Double Trouble

"Come on. Let's go," Anthony tells me.

I walk into the dining room and its looked breathtaking. It was adorned very exquisetely and it made me feel like I was a princess, except for the fact that there are two nuicanses fighting over who will sit next to me at supper. In front of me are sitting my parents and Jonathan, and at the ends of the table are Mr. And Mrs. Turner, there is only one empty seat beside me... Anthony and James are argueing over who will sit beside me. This is such a pertubating moment.

"I am going to sit here Anthony, sorry not sorry, just sit on the floor or something," James calmy replies.

"No I am going to sit here and that's final!" Anthony exclaims.

Just as Anthony is about to take his seat, James takes the seat from below him and then Anthony falls on his bum! I am so astonished that James did that, I knew he is a jerk but I didn't know he is that big of a jerk! Although I admit it was kind of funny that I hold back a laugh.

"You arsehole!" Anthony exclaims once again, what's up with this guy screaming so much.

"Sorry little bro but this is my seat. You really need to be nice to your elders," Anthony smartly replies with a smirk on his face. He takes a seat next to me and whispers in my ear, "Sorry about him, love."

"I already told you that I am not your love," I spat at him while pushing him away. He just laughs and begins to start eating. Although I have to admit he has a really cute laugh and every time he smiles his dimples and his jaw become prominent. Gahhhhhh! Dimples, my weakness!

"Well aren't you full of compliments tonight," James says with a wink. Not again...

"What?" I question him although I have a feeling this is going to end bad.

"Babe, you were thinking aloud...again," he replies with a smirk.

"What all did you hear...?" I shakily say.

"Oh you know the part where you said I am the hottest guy ever and a sex god," James says then winks at me. I start feeling the heat rush to my face not because I was embarrased but because I was furious. It was as if smoke is coming out of my ears like in cartoons. He is such a jerk!

"I never said that! You are such a jerk and a fool!" I exclaim at him.

"I am not the one making a fool out of myself, last time I checked that was you love," he smartly replies once again.

"Don't call me love. I already told you I am not your love and I never will be. Why would I ever be with some jerk like you," I harshly whisper at him. I felt like screaming it but I didn't want our parents to hear us. As soon as I said this, I saw James's mischievious smirk fall into a frown. I felt somewhat touched by this, I didn't think what I said would affect him at all. Why was he frowning now? He stares into my eyes almost penetrating them, he has beautiful eyes although at this instant they are a dark hazel, but one moment later they turn back into a golden hazel. My mouth becomes ajar at the amazement of his eyes. His frown also turns back to a smile. A warm smile. I am almost 100% sure he noticed. Seriously Amber? This is sappy, snap out of it!

He raises my chin with his fingers, they were so soft. He begins to caress my cheek with the pad of his thumb while looking deeply into my eyes. His face softens and he comes closer to my face. He places his tender lips on my neck and kisses me there gently. Suddenly my heartbeat spikes and its like a million fireworks ignite inside me. I was close to him, but not close enough. I wanted to feel this sensation even more.

"I always get my way, especially with girls," he seductively whispers to me. He pulls away and places his hand on knee. Gosh I hate when people touch me, especially guys. This snapped me out of my daydream state. I swat his hand away which only gains another adorable chuckle but the slap was worthless because afterwards he once again puts his hand on my knee. Although this time it was a little higher towards my upper thigh, this gesture started to make me feel nervous; which also caused butterflies to form in my stomach, why is he making me feel like this? We just met...

Anthony eventually pulls an extra chair from the kitchen and places it beside me. As soon as Anthony did this, I felt James tense up and slighty tighten his grip on my thigh. Why is he acting like this? Could he possibly be... Jealous? Nahhh, like I said before, we just met... That can't happen so soon...right?

After this not a word was spoken between us for the rest of the supper. Story of My Life.


Once we finish supper I stand up about to take my plate to the kitchen but then Anthony offers to take my dish for me. Almost immediately James stands up.

"Give me that, I can take it for her," James intensely says to Anthony.

"Nonono, since you are a lazy arse I might as well do it," Anthony replies with a victorious smile.

"Anthony you...," James doesn't finish his rude comment because I interrupt him.

"James it's fine. Thank you Anthony," I say as I look away from James and smile politely at Anthony which just leads to a snort from James showing that he is disgusted by Anthony's polite offer.

"Don't fall for his little 'sweet' gestures, love," James tells me.

"One, I am not falling for him, I just met him. And two, don't call me that," I scowl at James.

"Good because trust me I am much better than him in bed," he disgustingly replies,"and sorry but that's what you are, my love." He winks at me after he says the last part which causes my heart to flutter but I just avoid it. Although it was kind of hard to...

"Amber ready to go, we have to go somewhere early in the morning," my mom tells me.

I nod my head. "Yeah mom just let me go get my purse."

I get up and make my way to the living room. I feel someone's footsteps behind me and then see the person go past me and grab my purse before I could. It was James, of course. I see him open my purse and start searching for something in specific. I see him pull out my phone, he begins typing something in it. When he is done he puts it back into my purse and a couple seconds later I hear his phone beep indicating he recieved a text, probably his girlfriend or something.

"There," he says as he hands me my purse. I hesitate to take it from him. What did he do to my phone?

"Thanks," I shyly reply. He just smirks back. He then begins to get closer to my face but I take a couple steps backwards aware of what feelings went through me last time. He chuckles and scoots closer to me once again, I try to step back but then realize that my back is now at wall. Crap, he had enclosed me. He puts an arm on either side of me and leans his face towards me. The fireworks and butterflies begin to stimulate once again, the feeling was not mundane to me. I didn't know how to escape this intense moment. He leans down further and I prepare for a kiss. I shut my eyes tight but then he only kisses the corner of my lips. For some peculiar reason, I was devasted by this action. He chuckles and then pulls away.

"I don't like to take things too fast, love," he replies with smirk then winks. Ha, him take things slow? Please, that's a joke.

"Amber, sweetie, come on we are leaving," I hear my mom call for my name.

James takes my hand but I quickly snatch it out of his. I was somewhat still upset that he just teased me with that corner-lip kiss, you don't do that, you just don't...Not that I wanted to kiss him or anything... He just does his adorable chuckle once again. Once we reach the door, I see Anthony and his parents once again. They all say goodbye to me.

"Goodnight love, I am sure we are going to have a lot of fun soon," James quietly tells me.

"Whatever," I scowl at him while rolling my eyes. He just laughs though.


Ok guys so sorry I haven't updated lately x.x I feel bad and sad...*sniff sniff

Anywayssss sorry this chapter is short but recently I have been dealing with some hard times and examsss.(my worst nightmare!) but I promise the next one will be longer because I will have plentyyy of time over Christmas break. :)))

To the 1D fans: did u see that I mentioned one of their songs?? Story of My Life ;) 😍😍😍 love that song!

Okkkk well ttylllll! Comment! Vote!

Team James or Team Anthony??

Xoxo-confusedtacos ;) 😘


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2013 ⏰

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