Chapter One

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***4 years ago****

Like every other weekend, my mom pulled up into the Food Lion parking lot. We waited for about 10 minutes. He was always late. As my mom, brother, and I listened to the radio, my dad finally pulled up beside us. My brother, Kyle, kissed my mom on the cheek and I did the same. Since I was 10 and my brother was 9, he didn't have to worry about being picked on for showing his mom some love.

My brother and I hopped out of my moms car and made our way around to my dads truck. He opened his door and opened the half door for us to get into the back seat. My little 2 year old brother was in the car seat. His name is Jesse and he's the cutest little thing ever! Actually not until he poops and pees his diaper. Then I have to change it because nobody else wants to. It's like my job when I visit my dads house every other weekend. They call it their "break."

My mom waves goodbye and my brother and I wave back. Since it was the summer, we visited our dad not just the weekend, but until the next weekend. I could already tell that this was going to be a long and hard weekend. They always were. If my brother and I spent a while over at my dads house then something always happened. Everything was usually fine when it was just the weekend. My brother and I were really good kids. It was our father that was the problem...

Our father was a drunk. I didn't know this when I was younger, but my mom decided to tell me when she thought that my brother and I would be able to understand. My mom told us that he was very abusive. Very abusive. He would punch her and slap her every night when he came home drunk from the "titty bars." He obviously cheated on her many times. She knew it. She was pregnant before she was pregnant with me and she had a miscarriage because he hit her so many times. He would walk towards her licking a knife. He was sick. He once put the barrel to a gun to her head and said if she left him, then he would kill her, the children, and then her family.

We knew all of this but knew he wasn't as crazy as he used to be. He was our father and we loved him. Sometimes he got really drunk with us around and we didn't like it. He would get very vicious. That's why we knew that this week would be a long one.

We made our way to the house which was only about 5 minutes away. We pulled up to the house and I got my little brother out of his car seat and took him into the house. Kyle followed, carrying our bags. As my dad walked in he said, "Make sure you go ahead and change into your night clothes because we'll be eating dinner soon."

I made my way upstairs when Kyle handed me my bag and I walked into my room to change. I heard footsteps behind me so I closed my door so I could change without anyone seeing me. As I'm talking my shirt off, my door slams open and my dad is standing there. He looks at me for a minute and says, "You can't have your door closed." I look at him and wonder why. He has a weird look in his eyes. He then turns around and walks off into his bedroom which is down the hall from mine.

I go to the corner of my room which is hidden from the door and change there. I don't feel comfortable at all. I've been growing in certain areas and I didn't want him noticing. It seems like he already has. I finish getting dressed and walk downstairs and there is dinner on the table. I sit down and wait for the rest of the family. Jesse is already sitting in his highchair. We're just waiting on Kyle now.

"So how was the last week of school," my dad asks. I look at him and say, "It was okay. We watched movies in every class. I'm nervous about going into middle school though." He laughed and said I'd be fine. My step mom smiled at me. Her name was Donna. She had long blonde hair and she was very pretty. She was tall and lean. She was also pregnant again. Kyle finally came down the stairs. He sat down at the kitchen table and we said the blessing.

Kyle looked at me and I'm sure he was wondering why I was being quiet. I just shook my head at him and started eating my dinner. Kyle had blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. As we all ate dinner, my dad tried to make casual conversation. He noticed I was being quiet. "What's wrong with you? Do you not want to be here? Do you want me to take you back to your moms house?" I just looked at him with my eyes tearing up. I said no and his eyes flashed red with fire and fury. "Go to your room!"

I got up from the table and started to walk towards the stairs. As I got to the second set of stairs, my dad yelled again, "Come back now!" I knew exactly what he wanted. "Give me a goodnight kiss and then you can go to bed." I started sobbing then. His eyes once again flashed a fiery red and his face got red. He looked like an evil being. I didn't want to be here. He scared me sometimes. I run back downstairs and give him a kiss. I run back up as fast as I can and run to my room.

I lay down and cry in my bed. Soon, I fall asleep.

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