Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

(A/N: This chapter is pretty long. I want you all to have fun. I know Spock is a little out of character but take into consideration that right now he's still a child and it's harder to stay under control, added with the fact that he now lives on Earth, he's gonna have a tough time suppressing his emotions. Anyways, here you go! Also Bones does have a sister named Donna, you can look it up.)

I slipped on the traditional Vulcan uniform, a black thigh-length shirt with no sleeves and a big turtle-neck. Under it I wore purple shirt and pants with black boots protecting my feet.

I combed my hair into its normal bowl-cut and blinked at myself in the mirror. The bruise, dark green, on my cheek from yesterday looked back at me.

I brought a hand up to my left ear and traced the ridges of its pointed end.

A shape moved behind me in the mirror.

My Mother, Amanda, put her hands on my shoulders and smiled at me. The wrap around her head hid her beautiful brown curls and her eyes seemed to twinkle with such kindness.

I dropped my hand from my ear and spoke my thoughts.

"Mother, I do not belong here."

Mother kept her smile but her eyebrows pushed together and her eyes seemed...sad.

She turned me around and went down on her knees, becoming level with me.

Her soft palm caressed my cheek, keeping her hand over my bruise.

"I know you don't like it here Spock, but we couldn't go back. Your father is still studying the school system. But I promise you sweetie, if you give it enough time, things will get better."

"Promises are not all truth, Mother." I replied.

Mother sighed and pulled me into a hug. "I know. Shall I walk you to school?"

I shook my head. "That will not be necessary."

She nodded. "Well, move along or you'll be late."

I grabbed my backpack and made it to the door when a furry creature, the size of a big dog stopped me. I-Chaya rubbed her head against my leg and whined.

I scratched her head. "It'll be home later, then we can play." I-Chaya licked the back of my hand, careful not to slice me with her six inch fangs.

I left our suburban house and walked down the street towards the school.

The closer I got, the greater the difficulty of keeping my fear down.

The fear almost engulfed me when I caught sight of my harasser.

Charles Ivan Watson stood in front of the bike lock laughing among his group of inferior friends. I took a breath and steeled my nerves. Then I walked with my head held high into the school building.

The teachings were nothing like Vulcan schools. On Vulcan, each child was put into a hole in the floor and we were taught from the holograms that made up the walls of the hole. On Earth children sat in rows, uncomfortably close to one another and we taught by a robot teacher.

I sat stiffly and absorbed every word the robot spoke, nothing I didn't already know of course.

At lunch and recess I was not assaulted even the slightest which disturbed me. I was always assaulted in some way at lunch, whether it be the theft of my dessert to the simple pulling on my ears.

I made it through school thankfully. I hurried down the school steps, whipping my head to keep an eye out for Charles. My lack of focus would explain why I ran into an older boy that had been loitering on the stairs, and in my path. The force knocked me down, sending a sharp pain up my spine from the concrete step.

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