Waking Up

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Abigail's eyes opened to the spinning walls of a brightly lit room.  A figure was leaning over her, testing her pupil reaction, as she blinked slowly and shook her head slightly.  She took catalogue of her body, her breaths coming in shallowly.  Nothing hurt like it was broken, every limb and appendage felt connected, her head throbbed like she had been dosed with an anesthetic, and there may have been a bit of bruising on her lower back.  The room was so damn bright.  With a deep breath, she went to sit up only to feel uncomfortable restraints fastened around her waist, ankles, and wrists.  She frowned, watching the man that had leaned over her turn to someone else and murmur something she couldn't hear over the pounding of her head.  Blinking again, the room came into focus.  The quiet shhh of a door sliding open brought her flying back to the present.

"So, the great Abigail Soong awakens," came a taunting voice in the direction of where the door had sounded.

Abigail measured her facial expressions as she felt the bed she was anchored to move so it resembled her standing.  Her golden eyes surveyed the two men in front of her.  One stood just a hair's width taller with muddy brown eyes and a slightly tanned complexion.  His dark hair was cleanly kept, short and easily manageable and he was dressed in the standard blue, medical issue Starfleet regulation uniform.  The other man had a look of rebellion in his handsome face, along with a couple of scrapes along the temple and cheek bone.  His blue eyes held himself in high regard along with his yellow uniform shirt.  The smirk on his full lips chastised her and she didn't appreciate his attitude.

"Captain," she murmured, watching the look on his face falter as he realized he had just lost a notch of his upper hand

"This has been your excellent doctor for this evening, Dr. McCoy," Kirk gestured to the man in blue beside him who had taken out one of his high tech syringes.  "You don't mind if he takes a bit of blood, do you?" he asked, as if she had a choice in the matter.

"By all means, doctor," she consented, not releasing eye contact with the captain as her sleeve was rolled up and the needle was inserted into her arm.

"So, do all of you Augments have pretty British accents or is it just you?  And Khan for that matter," Kirk asked, grinning curiously as he flirted with his enemy.

Abigail raised her eyebrow, unimpressed and waited for the syringe to fill to the doctor's liking.  The captain maintained the steady eye contact the woman had initiated, trying in vain to regain the full upper hand that her silence had thrown from him a bit.

"We have your boyfriend in custody," he began again, walking over to look through some papers that McCoy had put together on her.  "Khan."  He flipped through the papers with half interest before looking back over at her.  "Once Bones is done here we'll take you to his holding cell."

"Out of the goodness of your heart, Captain?" Abigail asked sarcastically, feeling the needle exit her arm as the blood sample was finished.  

McCoy looked a lot more uneasy than Kirk, looking into the woman's face with mild distrust, adding the blood samples to the two taken from Khan earlier.

Jim laughed, grinning up the woman before him.  "You know, you're way too pretty to be so sarcastic," he flirted, winking at her.

"Awh, you think I'm pretty?" she asked derisively, raising her eyebrow mockingly.

"Gorgeous, sweetheart."  He winked, bending down to undo the ankle restraints, then her wrists and finally the one around her waist.

Abigail dropped a few inches from the bed to the floor, eyeing the captain curiously.  The clothes she had on felt odd and as she looked down, realizing she had on a standard issue black Starfleet uniform.  Sighing, she rolled her eyes, letting her arms drop to her sides.  

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