Grey's Anatomy fan fiction Chapter 1

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Cheating wasn't something that normally occurred in Arizona Robbins's chaotic life. She was married to a beautiful woman named Callie with bouncy, luxurious, burnette curls and deep brown eyes that were a shade away from black. Their relationship had been through hell and still they always managed to survive. They had raised a daughter together. The child was conceived during the previous one night stand Callie had been caught up in. Since Callie meant so much to Arizona, she had forgiven her and helped raise the baby. After all, they had been through too much to let a stupid one night stand break them apart.

Arizona pulled up in the parking lot, almost not applying the breaks as she quickly put the car in park and sprinted inside. She was 15 minutes late. She had never been late in all the four years she had worked there. She ran up to the head doctor.

"Sir, I am SO SORRY I'm late but I can assure you it will never happen again!"

"Well Robbins since you've never been late until today, I'm not penalizing you. Now go wash up. You have a premature baby to help deliver."

"Thank you sir!" She rushed off and stopped at the bathroom to wash her face first. Maybe a little cool water would help wake her up more. Being so exhausted is what made her late in the first place. She was always exhausted, considering the amount of work she did, but this morning Callie had a day off and she just couldn't manage to leave her side until she glanced at the clock. The droplets of cold water slid down her face as she grabbed a paper towel and dabbed them away. Tossing the paper towel in the trash she took a deep breath.

"Alright Arizona. You're awake, now let's go deliver a baby!" She yanked on the bulky bathroom door and as she started to run out she bumped into another doctor coming in.

"Oh I'm so sorry uhm." A puzzled look appeared on her face for she had never seen the woman before.

The woman stopped and flashed her a smile.

"Lauren. And it's perfectly okay. You seem like you're in a bit of a hurry."

"Yeah, I am. Well it was nice meeting you Lauren. I have to go."

"Maybe I'll see you around sometime." Lauren said in a hopeful tone.

"I'm sure you will, bye." Arizona ran around the corner and headed to the delivery room. Her thoughts began running wild. She was a married woman. She shouldn't be attracted to other women but Lauren with that angelic smile and those hazel eyes, something fell over her that day. She had a beautiful wife but she had never seen a woman quite like Lauren, the body of a goddess and the smile of an angel. She was almost immortal.

Screams were coming from the delivery room. Arizona ran in, grabbed some gloves, and began doing what she did best.

"Mrs. Riley, I'm gonna need you to stay calm for me. I know it hurts like hell but you're too far to have an epidural. Deep breaths in and out slowly and you can start pushing in a few seconds."

"Okay." The woman mumbled as she tightly grabbed the bed rails. Arizona grabbed a blanket and surgical scissors to cut the umbilical cord with and placed them in her lap.

"Sweetie, are you ready?" The woman gritted her teeth and let out a yeah.

"Here we go. I'll count to ten and when I hit ten you can breathe for a minute. First push.


"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10." The babies head was already somewhat visible so the baby would be here in no time at all.

"Ready to push again?" The woman nodded.


"Uh it hurts, I can't do this!"

"Honey I know it hurts but keep pushing. You're baby is almost

here. Just a few more big pushes."

The woman was now in tears.

"O-okay." The babies body was now midway.

"One last big push."

"Ahhh!" Arizona grabbed the baby and cut the umbilical cord as she wiped all the after birth off.

"Congratulations, you have a beautiful little girl." The woman smiled and held her baby a few minutes before the nurses took her to clean her up and take her to an incubator.

"Where are they taking my Gracey?" She was in a slight panic.

"Gracey. I like it. They have to take her to the NICU. She has a small spot on her cheek that she'll probably have to have fixed but other than that there is nothing wrong with her."

"Wha-what? Will she be okay?"

"Don't worry Mrs. Riley. We have the best doctors here. we'll get her all fixed up and she'll be back in your arms in no time." Arizona wiped her forehead as left the room. She pushed baby Gracey to NICU and froze she got to the doorway. There stood Lauren.

"We meet again!" She said with a big smile.

"Yeah. I didn't know you worked in this unit." Arizona said in a low tone.

"I'm new. So uhm earlier you got my name but I don't recall ever getting yours."

"I-it's Arizona."

"Arizona huh? Well Arizona I'm gonna enjoy working with you." Arizona couldn't believe it. This goddess, the only other woman besides Callie she found attractive, would not only be in her mind but working by her side everyday.

Grey's Anatomy fan fiction Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now