Chapter 1

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He tried to breath, even though he felt as if there was no air around him. Every gasp he felt had less and less oxygen in it and he began to get lightheaded. He struggled to control his breath through his tears. The salty water rushed down his face, like it had a need to be free from him.

Vlad’s soft sobs could only be heard from his current hiding spot, as he tried to calm himself down. He always hid in the same spot when he knew that his life, or more accurately his Hell, had become too overwhelming. 

Everyday Vlad knew he had to hide himself from then world. He knew if people discovered the real him, the true Vlad Daniels, then they would run at him with pitch forks and torches, because that’s what they do. Vlad would take this Hell of a life over that any day, so that's what he did. Every day he took it, and he ran. He was forced to calculate his every move, making sure to be careful to hide himself from the rest of the world. There was only one place Vlad could be himself, and he still didn't trust that place completely. He called it his "Safe House", but there is another name better used to describe it. His closet.

Vincent "Vlad" Daniels was a sophomore in High School that could only even feel remotely safe, in his walk-in closet.

                For him the closet was where he could let loose how he felt and who he was. The inside of the closet walls knew his entire secret, even the ones he dares not to speak out loud. One of his darkest secrets was something he never had spoken aloud, and something he vowed he never would. It was stuck into his core, and no matter how hard he tried to escape it, it never let go. Vlad, as much as he wanted to reject it, was like all the other boys. Mostly it was because he liked all the other boys in a way boy weren’t supposed to.

                Vlad felt as if he had no choice but to keep his sexuality locked away. His family would hate him, and they would throw him out. He would be forced to live on the streets, with no home or family. 

Still Vlad’s only secret that only the walls knew wasn’t just his preference in men, but also his love of art. All the colors in the world, different shades, tints they were a thing of pure beauty to him. It was Vlad's passion; it was all he ever wanted in life. Vlad wanted to be an artist, to paint, draw and sculpt. And Vlad couldn't tell anyone, he had to keep his hopes, goals, and dreams, a complete secret, because art is for girls. At least that's what his father had always said.

So every day after school Vlad would come into his "Safe House", and breathe his passion to life. Only to have to hide it away, and let the loneliness in his soul grow.

"Hey! Vlad open your damn door!" A voice yelled towards the teen in the closet. The voice, Vlad recognized, belonged to Vlad Daniels eldest brother, Collin McHenry-Daniels.

Vlad put his sketch pad back into its safe hiding place in his closet.

Vlad could tell Collin was had grown impatient with him, because Collin had begun banging so hard on his door that Vlad fear Collin could, and would, break it off of its hinges.

"Stop trying to break my door!" Vlad yelled to his annoying brother.

"Then open the stupid thing!" Collin replied.

He sighed, and knew what was coming, Vlad opened his bedroom door. The second he did his muscular 6'3" of a brother tackled him into a giant, suffocating, bear hug.

"I'm so sorry, lil’ bro." Collin began "It's my fault, all my fault. I'm so sorry I didn't protect you." Collin apologized, and ignored his baby brother’s cries to let him go.

"Collin! Let me go!" Vlad yelped at his brother.

"No! I can never let you go!" Collin yelled as if he were a super hero.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2013 ⏰

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