My Body

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Lets clear up this first whether you're curvy or skinny you are still beautiful,sexy, gorgeous, hot and so much more because weight doesn't make a difference we are all amazing in our own way. So I am on the curvy side and  in the past this would have affected me heavily but I have gotten over that and I want everyone out there to realise that you don't have to look like beyonce , Kim kardashian or anyone else to be beautiful just be you. I know it'll be hard because of the challenges you face but I promise it actually will be okay not immediately but in the future and start loving yourself and your body everyone else that is worth your time will love you just the way you are. The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself other peoples opinions shouldn't count.
Love yourself, your body and everything else about you because you are amazing and beautiful no matter what people say and you can follow you're dreams.

Tnx for reading.
Till next time.

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