Hospital Boredom

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So this is yet another part, I hope that you liked the story so far. So in the update before this one Himitsu got stabbed and is in the hospital, now I want her to stay there until the Varia make their first appearance and thats when Levi wants to get Lambo. I hope thay you know where we are in the manga otherwise you'll have a problem. So just say now, Himitsu stays in the hospital until the guardians end their training and Levi appears.



Namimori 6.34am, the hospital

Himitsu's POV.

I feel so dizzy, my head is spinning like crazy. I closed my eyes for a moment to get used to waking up again and adjust to the bright lights in the room.

I slowly open them and see that I'm in a white room, probably in the hospital. But who brought me here?

"Good to see that you're awake." A voice says, I immedialty look at the place where the voice came from and see Dino.

He's not the only one here tho, Reborn is with him and a man that I haven't seen before. He had dirty blond hair and brown/golden eyes.

I slowly sat up and looked at my visitors, they seemed slightly suprised with me already sitting up after receiving a stab wound to the stomach.

"Do you remember what happend?" Dino asked in a soft voice, he seemed really worried and I appreciate that.

"Yes I do, I got stabbed." I reply in a calm voice, its not as if I haven't gotten one before. On the contrary I've recieved worse.

Dino nodded his head and had a soft smile grace his lips, I looked at the other two who where observing me.

"Actually who brought me here?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes, me and Hiroko had been alone and no one was supposed to be nearby.

"Hehe, that was me." Dino confessed as he rubbed the back of his head. My eyes narrowed at him suspiciously.

"I sent him to spy on you. You were acting weird when you left yesterday." Reborn said wich suprised me that he would just say it like that, but okay its Reborn can't expect nothing less from him.

I sighed as I closed my eyes, on the inside I'm happy and gratefull that he followed me but my face doesn't show that

The last visitor hadn't spoken up yet and I looked at him, who was he? The question that bugged me the most was if I could trust him.

"Ah sorry we haven't met yet, my name is Sawada Iemitsu." He said with a closed eye smile.

My whole mind stopped and everything went blank, did he just say Sawada? Then why the hell was he here?!

Even so I knew his face from somewhere, but iIcouldn't quiet put my finger on it. Its on the tip of my tongue.

"How long do i have to stay here?" I asked, it would be weird if i didn't ask but I want to get out of here as fast as possible.

"When you're healed you can leave." Reborn said with a smirk, what was up with his smirk?

"And what if i say that I'm healed right now?" I asked as I tilted my head a bit, I honestly hoped that he would let me go.

"Then you can leave." Reborn simply answered as his eyes where being shadowed by his fedora.

"Wait what?! Reborn we can't let her go, I just brought her in yesterday." Dino yelled in a panicked voice.

"You don't like getting your freedom stolen away do you?" Iemitsu suddenly asked wich really suprised me since he hasn't done anything else then introduce himself.

I looked at him for a bit, then I suddenly clicked. He is the CEDEF boss of the Vongola, thats why I've seen him before.

I nodded calmly at his answer confirming that he was right wich suprised Dino, I guess that he didn't know that but i've only known him for like ... a few hours.

There was a silence and I just stared at the three of them, what was gonna happen now. I'd like to get out of here like right now!

"I think that we need to leave." Dino said as he looked at the clock in the room, where did they have to go?

The other two nodded and I kept staring at them.

"We have to go now Himitsu, we're going to explain about the Vongola rings to Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto. Stay here and don't leave." Dino said.

His last sentence was said with a commanding voice and I couldn't help but nod right away.

Soon enough they left and I was left alone in the empty room that I had to stay in. What now?

I didn't have my laptop with me and neither my phone, so no hacking jobs or talking with the Varia.

I was gonna bore myself to death like this, I let my back hit the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

What to do now? This is gonna be bad, I can't stay here and I really can't stay still like this.

Still I have a lot to think about, the biggest question right now is why Hiroko stabbed me.

I know that she hates me but I never knew why. Its weird that I've never thought about it.

I just accepted it that she beats me every day and I find it a routine. Oh god I really am weird!

With that thought in mind I couldn't help but groan. Also, it was to silent here.

I'm gonna do something that I'm gonna regret I just feel it.

-A few hours later-

I still have nothing to do, just a few minutes ago I planned to get out of this far to soft bed but the nurses interrupted me.

And now I'm stuck to this bed, they litterlay strapped me to the bed.

I don't know what stupid stuff I'll do while I'm here but I'm sure to give these nurses and doctors hell!

I'm gonna stop here for this update. I hope that it was long enough since I wrote the last parts on my phone so I can't see how long this will be on the computer. See ya (^0^)/!

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