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miraherondale29(That's me the author) posted:
OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I CAN TALK TO YOU GUYS YOU ARE SO AWESOME (especially you Clary and Mira you guys r really awesome!!)
Mira_Herondale, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Eric joined the conversation
Jace: Ok who the hell are you?
Mira: Jace one watch your mouth and two watch what you say she can be a fangirl and some of them get mad or upset really quick!
mira: Yep I can get pretty angry :-)
Eric: Ok well how can I tell the difference between my girlfriend and some random fangirl though?
mira: Well I have a lowercase m while the original Mira has an uppercase M and I'm the author of this book sssooo yuns better be good or I shut down this conversation! (Quack quack!)
Jace: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jace left the conversation according to that there are "ducks that hack the conversation"
mira: >:) hehe!
Clary: Nice you need to teach me your tricks
mira: Well it is almost Halloween my fav. holiday like EVER!!!
Mira: Same!
Simon: Hey fangirl have you ever heard of five nights at freddys?
mira:Yeah why?
Simon: They came out with a new one!>:)
Mira_Herondale has ended to chat due to people bullying the poor author/fangirl

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