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Barnabas and Vicky walked in the dark of night towards Angelique's house, Julia had told them where she had heard Angie lived and the two set out for it straight away. Vicky was not too thrilled to see Angie again but neither was Barnabas, but Angelique had kept his daughter from him long enough. This 'Elizabeth' as Julia had called her, is Barnabas's heir and he never thought he would have a child, not after Angelique had turned him into this monster that he was now.

"Barnabas? What exactly are you going to do once you meet her? I mean, are you going to take her away from Angelique, will she be coming back with us?" Vicky asked Barnabas as they neared the house, they could now see the lights in the windows. "Yes my love that is the plan. But I am not sure if Angelique will allow it, and I do not want to force Elizabeth to come with us." Barnabas replied. "Alright." She said and they continued on in silence.

As they reached the large front door, Barnabas grasped the gold lion knocker and knocked. After a minute or two the door was opened by-
Angelique. She stood there stunned for a moment, then seemed to compose herself. "Barnabas what are you doing here, how did you find out I am still alive?" Angelique asked him with a raised eyebrow. But Barnabas wasn't listening, he was to busy  taking in her appearance: her hair that had been bleach blond the last time he saw her, was now her natural chocolate brown, she had it in waves that fell to her mid back. She wore a simple long sleeved black dress that went to her knees, with high heeled boots. "That is none of your concern Angelique. What I would like to know is why you kept my daughter from me for 18 years?!" He said angrily.

"I believe it is my concern Barnabas, and what? You really think I wanted to keep her from you? No I didn't Barnabas. I wanted to keep her from her!" Angelique said angrily as she pointed toward Vicky. "What?! Are you really that selfish as to keep his daughter from him because you didn't want her to see me as more a mother then you?" Vicky said glaring at Angie and bearing her fangs. Angelique laughed coldly, "me? Selfish? Ha! I don't think so. My daughter loves me and I her, she thinks walked out on us when I was pregnant with her, and in a way, he did. She doesn't hate him, she just doesn't care. I raised her not you Barnabas, I made sure she knew what you were like. She never once has asked me if she could meet you, never. I know that she loves you and wishes that you had chosen us over Vicky, but she is just fine with out you. She doesn't know that she is part Vampire and she never has to. And Barnabas, I tested her when she was born to see how much Vampire she has, and she is barely a Vampire. Now, I  want you two to leave right this second. Good bye Barnabas." Angelique said and slammed the door on the two, Barnabas was too shocked for words.

Meanwhile, Angelique sat on the floor with her back against the door. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks, she couldn't believe he had showed up with that monster he called Vicky. And she couldn't believe he had turned the lady into a Vampire, but it didn't really surprise her. "NO!" Screamed Elizabeth from upstairs, that shook Angelique out of herself pity. She wiped away her years and stood. "Elizabeth?!" Angelique yelled as she ran up the stairs, no reply. That worried Angie greatly. Angelique tried to open the bedroom door but it was locked, Angie was about to use her magic when someone stopped her dead in her tracks. "What's going on? We heard screaming." Barnabas asked her as he and Vicky ran up the steps and walked over to her.

Meanwhile in Elizabeth's bedroom she was being held up by the throat, by a man dressed in black armer. "You are worthless, you are nothing but a filthy little girl." He spat in her face. Elizabeth didn't even know how he had gotten in here, she had just been laying in her bed trying to fall asleep when he brush through her window. "I.... Am..... Not!" She managed to say. "Yes. Yes you are. See?!" He told her and dropped her to the floor, only to push her out of her window. "NO!" She screamed as she fell. The last thought she had before she hit the ground was: I'm sorry Zachary, I love you.
Then Elizabeth hit her head fattily.


Angelique stared at Barnabas for a second before her glaze hardened, she turned back to the door and used her magic to blast it to peaces. Standing in her daughter's bedroom was a man dressed in all black, she couldn't see his face fore it was cover by a sliver mask. Elizabeth was nowhere to be seen, but there sign of a struggle. Angelique saw that the window by the bed was shattered, it looked like something went through it. Angelique glared at the masked man, then she let her rage take over. Within seconds the masked man was nothing but ash and bones.

"Where's Elizabeth?" Vicky asked as she looked around the room. "Where do you think?!" Snapped Angie as she ran down stairs and into the back yard, only to come to a sudden halt. There on the grass was her daughter, her head bleeding out. But sitting next to her was a boy, he was whispering something as he help his hands over her. Alarmed and worried for her daughter, Angelique waved her hand expecting the boy to be launched away from her daughter. Instead the boy remained where he was, his hands began to glow gold then the light faded.

"Get away from my daughter!" Angelique yelled and walked briskly over to the boy and her daughter. "I can't do that." He told her as he stood but made no movements to leave. "Yes you can." Said Barnabas from behind Angelique, almost making her jump. She looked at him to find that he was doing that thing with his fingers, that normally makes people do whatever he wants, normally, but not today. "I can't do that sir." The boy said again. Barnabas's hand fell to his side, he frowned at the boy. "Who are you?" Barnabas asked him. "My name is Zachary." The boy Zachary replied. "Well Zachary, leave now!" Barnabas told him sternly. "I. Can't. Do. That." Zachary said getting annoyed. "Why?" Angelique asked coldly, she just wanted her daughter safe and this boy was making her go mad! "Because I am in love with her, and she is to be my wife." Zachary replied. "Over my dead body." Barnabas growled and took a step closer to the boy. "Sorry about this." Zachary said and pushed his hands towards them, Angelique, Barnabas and Vicky sailed backwards just as Elizabeth came to.

"Zachary? What are you doing here? What's going on?" Elizabeth asked confused looking around as she sat up slowly, her eyes widened as they focused on her mother and two people she didn't know. "I came as soon as I felt them near you, I'm afraid one of the Masked Ones found you and tried to kill you. I got here just in time, I was able to save you but in order todo so I had to turn you into a goddess like we talked about. Your mom was about to have that man do something to me to make me leave, so I had to throw them back. Sorry about that." Zachary told her. "Thanks. And please Zachary, don't use your powers on my mother again, okay?" She told/asked him. "Okay." Zachary said. Come with me, it's not safe here, more of the Masked Ones coup show up here at any second." Zachary told her as he helped her to her feet. Elizabeth glanced at her mother and the two other people. "Mom, I'm so sorry. I love you and I'll hopefully see you soon." She told her and watched as her mom stood along with the other two.

"What? Elizabeth where do you thi-" Angelique began but Elizabeth didn't hear the rest, fore she and Zachary vanished in a golden light. "Where did they go?" Vicky asked as she stared at the spot Elizabeth and Zachary had stood only a moment ago then to Barnabas. "Now, we all go back to Collinswood, and look and wait for my and Angelique's daughter." He said and he looked to Angie. "And I believe some explaining is in order." Barnabas added looking at her. She nodded. "Fine, but then we get back to looking for my daughter." She told him and with that she lad the way to her car.


Hello!! So, the first chapter or two will basically be written in the same font as this. This is in the year 1985, the next will maybe be a year from now so 1986, and then the next will be in the future.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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