Part 36.2: Too Little Too Late

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I drpped my 11th glass of whiskey on the table making sure it makes a noise. It maked my body feel warm and cozy, i dont want to stop drinking or leave this place.

"Yoongi, you're getting drunk. Let's go." Jin hyung uttered as he pulled me by the arm but my body wont bulge.

He's been disturbing me for the past 30 minutes. He drove all the way here just to bring me back home. He pushes and pulls but im like a big stone, i stay in place.

"Just go hyung. Go and enjoy the paty." I frailed.

Today is Jimin and Jungkook's 1st anniversary party. Its been a year since i met him. I tried to remember all the good memories we have but all that's coming to mind was yesterday's nightmare.

How he kissed Chankyung, the man i now hate even more. Why he didnt run after me after i apologized to him. I thought apologizing sincerely and being honest would finally stop the nightmares but no. It is true, alopogies arent enough to heal a broken heart. I felt like trash, unwanted and useless.

"I cant leave you here alone, you'll get in trouble." Jin hyung growled.

I didnt answer. I raised my 12th glass of whiskey and exhaled loudly as the bitter but delicious after taste of the liquor exploded in my mouth. I didnt waste time and raised my 13th glass but an annoyed Jin hyung pulled the glass away.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?! What's wrong?" Jin hyung huffed.

"It kills me to see Jimin in the arms of another. I hate the fact that i disregarded my love for him because of my greed. I hate how everytime i sleep and when i wake up in the morning, he's the only one in my mind. I hate myself for being attached to much." I blurted out. I was breathing heavily as i expressed all the pain inside.

"It's not too late Yoongi. Jimin is not a bad person. Talk things out, i know he'll listen. Drinking the night away and getting wasted wont fix anything." He exclaimed, his voice calmer this time but i still didnt listen.

"I dont need your advise hyung, just please leave me alone." I sighed.

Jin hyung tapped me on the back before finally leaving. He felt sorry for me, for what i've become. I do too, but the biggest regret that i have is causing Taehyung to lose Jungkook. Taehyung became a better person when Jungkook came to his life. He was more jolly and vibrant but being the selfish man that i am, i had to step in and sabotage it. Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin are all wretched because of me.

I was too preoccupied with my thoughts i didnt realized ive already drunked 19 glassed of whiskey. My body is in the club but my mind is on a another place, i more beautiful place. As i drink, i forget about my problem. So i wanted to drink until i forget how bad of a person i am, even if its temporary.

Hours passed by, people in the club leave one by one and the club slowly became less crowded. As much as i would love to drink more my body cant handle it anymore. Me head and my eyesight were swirling, my entire body feels light. I managed to call Taehyung and tell him im on my way home, i know he's worried.

It'll take longer than usual for me to get home since ill be walking, i cant drive like this. The darkness of the night makes it more difficult but i have no choice.

After walking a couple of  miles away from the club i heard footsteps behind me, it felt like more than two people were following me. I kept on walking and didnt mind at first but i grew curious. I was about to turn around when i felt an impact on the side of my head. I instantly fall to the ground. I raised my head up to see four people standing in front of me. I was so drunk, i couldnt see well, i cant even identify who they are. I tried to stand up but the blow to my head was too strong. Two of the people who attacked me picked me up as another one continuously puched me in the stomach. I was groaning so loud but no one came to help. Come to think of it, who's still awake at 2 in the morninh. I wanted to defend myself so bad but im too drunk. My body fell to the ground once more when i was forcefully punched on the jaw.

Two of them picked me up again as the other two grabbed something from their back. I was stricked and beaten from left to right with a crowbar. From my neck, my check, my abdomen to my legs. My clothes were all ripped before they threw me to the cold ground once again. Every part of my body was beaten, sore. Even breathing was difficult. If a move or bend my body a little, i would feel the worst pain i've even felt. I know that internal damages have been done as well.

Although i was lying almost lifeless on the ground with no ability to defend myself, every part of my body marked and bruised, they're not finished with me yet. They really want me dead. They continuously stomped on my body, from head to toe. My eyes were slowly shutting down, not being able to endure it any longer. With one last stomped right in the face, everything turned black.


im sooooo sorry for not being able to update for a month. i hope you guys didnt abandon me lol.
i was on vacation and the wings comeback made it diffucult to update but im back
3 updates today s :)))

read meow and criminal as well..

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