Twenty Three | Nice Place

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"I-I have to go..." I quickly say for rushing out the door, not bothering to wait to hear him say it back.

I kept walking until I reach outside the house and into my car, trying to catch my breath. I looked down to see the text again.

Kian: Hey, just wondering if you wanted to hangout today? 

I smile to myself before replying.

Ella: Sure. Where do you wanna go?

It took a couple seconds before replying.

Kian: Shit sorry I didnt think it would go this far.

I laugh out loud while waiting for his reply.

Kian: Uh how bout my place?

Ella: Sounds great be there in 10 :)

He then texts me his address and I put it into my gps.

As I'm driving, I realize.

I've never been to his place before.

I thought a lot about him and how I felt bad about him leaving last night. None of that was supposed to happen. It also made me think about Shawn.

Shawn. I would be lying if I didn't say I was liking of what he was doing. Because I did. The butterflies are coming back just thinking about it. I hate it. But love it. 

Kian is also great. We have a shift together almost all the time and we go back to like 5 years ago. But also what is kind of bad is that I'm 17 almost turning 18 and he recently turned 21... 

Soon I make it to his apartment as see how pretty it was from the outside. I go through the entrance and make my way up the elevator to reach his floor. Once I make it to his room number, I take a deep breath before knocking on the door.

The door opens suddenly making me jump and see a guy with light colored curly hair at the front of his head with a beanie at the back. He eyes me up and down before speaking. 

"Hey there." He sticks his lips in his mouth making me a bit uncomfortable.

"Uh, hi is Kian there?" I ask.

"Ohh." He says in realization. "You must be Ella. Kian would not stop talking about you." He complains, over exaggerating the 'not'. "Like you should even see his twitt-"

"Jc! Don't you have to go somewhere?" Kian quickly interrupts while still running toward us.

"Oh, yeah." He laughs as Kian pushes his roommate out the door and closing it.

"Sorry, he's just- yeah." He finishes with his face flushed.

"It's fine." I laugh. "So, you have a really nice place." I say, looking around his neat living room.

"Why thank you, I defiantly did not spend an hour cleaning." 

"So, I was thinking, that we can just watch a movie?" He says in more of a question, leading me to the couch as he went to the box filled with dvds. I take this time still staring at his eye, seeing that it's still sorta bruised. I can tell that he noticed when stops searching and makes his way next to me.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." He cracks a smile. I place my hand over his bruise and he slightly flinches, making me guilty about what happened with Shawn and I back at his house.

"I feel so bad, I didn't want anything like this to happen." I speak faster then I was thinking. "I should of just had us stay at home-" I get interrupted by feeling a pair of soft lips touch mine and hands on either side of my cheeks. He lingers for a few more seconds before pulling away, leaving me with butterflies in my stomach and him with a cheeky smile. 

"Sorry, but that seemed like the only way to shut you up." He chuckles and I playfully roll my eyes.

"Sure. What are we watching?"

"Only like the best movie of all time!"

"And what is that?" I raise an eyebrow.



So do you guys like Team Shawn or Team Kian?

I'm so fucking pissed right now because I lost my phone at Six Flags >:( I know I'm stupid plz don't remind me


New book about Shawn (of course) will come out soon!!

I'll give you guys a hint bc i love u..................

.......two words



...dorky shawn

Mr. Not So Innocent - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now