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'I am a young Italian, physically I am about 22. At least that's what I am told. In reality I'm over 3,000 years old, and yes that's still young. I am thought of as the weakest country in the world. I'm absolutely sick of being treated this way. I'm sick of being the one so easily caught. So this is this is the story of how I decided to change my life.'

"Those were my exact words to the officers who arrested me. I will tell you no more than what I told them" The young Italian said to the man who had come to visit him in his insanity cell. He refused to call this man by his name. They used to hang out much more often. It stopped when the young Italian went insane and was locked up the way he is now. "And if you believe that I will tell you my story without getting something in return you’re insane and we should trade places." The young Italian smirked; he seemed to have completely forgotten everything that happened before he became this way.

"Italia what are you talking about?! I know you! You know more about me than I do!" The German man on the other side of the glass shouted. "Please Italia! I'll tell you everything you need to know...but you already should know most of it. Just please explain to me what happened! I want to help! I will do anything to help you Italy!"

The Italian chuckled “Ok…If I must tell you I suppose I will. But you must understand something; I’m not the same as I was before.” The Italian almost said his name…stopping before doing so. A frown replaced his smile “I won’t be so week like you all made me out to be before. This story I am about to tell may scare you for the rest of your life.” A smirk replaced his frown at the thought of scaring his so called friend.

“I don’t care what it does to me…I want you to get better Italia.” For the first time in a long time Ludwig felt an odd pounding in his heart. He was unable to determine what the feeling was but suddenly his cheeks became a dark red. “I want the old you back…please…Feliciano…Come back to me the way you were before. When you were so cute and innocent…please I will beg you until I die if I must. I need you to be ok.”  

“Shhh…Shut up and sit down, If you want to hear my story you’ll let me tell it!! I don’t care about your feelings towards me! I’m a different person now. I’m worse than my damn 2p; I have whipped thousands of innocent men just for the entertainment of hearing their screams! Imagine what I would do to you if you interrupted me!” The Italian rolled his eyes and stood from the bed he had been resting on, slowly approaching the glass. “I will make your life miserable…now do as I said and sit down.”

Ludwig was frozen where he stood staring straight at the Italian who he’d thought was his friend. For the first time in his life Ludwig was actually scared and the person he was scared of was the one he’d always thought to be weak. When he finally had processed all the information he was confused but he sat as he was told.

“Good now listen carefully, as I will not repeat myself and this story gets confusing at points. Or so the officers told me.” The Italian stated sitting on a chair and kicking his boots up onto the table.

Ludwig examined the table; on it were plates of old pasta and some paper with beautiful drawings on them. Ludwig believed that Italy had refused to eat the pasta since he had come here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2013 ⏰

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