Chapter Two

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It was only two years, that I lived in Oklahoma. I lived in an army base, I went to school on base. The teachers there were great, and loving. I had my fourth grade class with my bestfriend Haleigh . One day, we decided to hangout at my house. I invited Haleigh over because my grandmother was cooking fried chicken. That was Haleigh's favorite. She loved my grandmas cooking. As we were waiting for that finger licking, crispy, golden brown, fried chicken to be done we went to the road in the back of our duplex. I didn't have a backyard, my backyard was a road.

That same day, we were just chilling, like normal Tweens. Haleigh and I were the curious type. We saw this building that we always wanted to go inside and check out. It was known as an old post office, people would say it was haunted. That didn't stop Haleigh and I. My older sister Tessa wanted to join, so she came with us. We weren't able to go through the door, Tessa had to punch the window for us to get in. After she busted it open, she took a look at her hand, it was wounded and bloody. She didn't mind it. She just kept walking and looking around. There wasn't any plumbing. Yet, there were glasses of water everywhere. On the counters, the floor, and on shelves.

We walked around this terrifying place, and find something written on the wall. It had said, " sierra was killed here " We weren't sure if this was just some kind of sick joke. We walked around some more and found blood everywhere. We were all freaked out. It was hard to stay calm, but we all were able to handle it. We all stood together, and heard a door slam. It frightened all of us. We didn't know what to do. We didn't know if someone was there or if it was some type of spirit telling us to leave. Whatever it was it didn't want us there. Bravely, we stayed. We went to the adict, and found massive amounts of pot, and cocaine. We knew people did illegal things here just by that. Were rushed down the stairs and heard doors slamming like crazy. We jumped through the window, and made our way back to my house. We all sat in my living room. Speachless. We went to school the next day stunned. Not knowing what to say, we were all in shock. Kinda like when you take a picture of a hamster with the flash on.

It was the end of fourth grade. Everyone was excited, we were gonna be the big dogs of the school. No one could boss us around. During the summer of course haleigh and I hung out everyday. Theres no doubt about that! Then, I met Kayce. We hung out a lot also, we always played Guitar Hero at her house, or hangout in her room and talk, you know like about boys and who's cute. Normal things girls talk about. We were good friends not the best though. The day we started fifth grade I had the same class as Kayce. Sadly, Haleigh and I were seperated, but on the other hand I joined cheer. We would do back handsprings, and back flips but I had to stop. Not because they dropped me cause I was a flyer. I was doing a back handspring and landed on my toes and broke three of them. It was painful. I cried the whole time I was in the hospital. Halfway into the school year, I found out it was moving time. I cried with Haleigh till my eyes went dry.

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