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About My Life:

I've been going to the same lake house every summer and every summer is the same. It's sort of a tradition in our family. Every Memorial weekend in May when I get out of school, we skip all of the ceremonies, graduations, and all of that hullabaloo, and we head straight to our lake house in Michigan.

It's my way of getting away from the rest of the world, our lake is like my paradise. Also this summer is extra special because it's my last. In the fall, I'm going to college in New York, and I don't know if I will be too busy to comeback next summer. See, my family and I are really close. It's just me, and my mom, and my dad. There are some cousins who live along the east coast, but we don't get to see them that often, so we enjoy our small family unit. But don't get me wrong, it's not just me and my family all of the time, I have friends, it's just nice to take a break once in a while. Get away from the rest of the world. 

Like I said, every summer is the same. Nothing exciting ever happens to me, but for some reason, this summer is going to change my whole world. I can just feel it. I'm going to make my last summer, my best and most memorable.

About my Mom:

Eleanor Cade. My mom and I are really close. We have this great relationship that none of my other friends have with their moms. My mom is kind and caring, and so beautiful. She is an interior designer, which helped inspire me to want to go into fashion and design. But our house is gorgeous! It's elegant with class and style, but with a modern twist. And on the side she loves to garden, it's just a hobby, but it makes the outside look just as magnificent as the inside.

What's great about our relationship is that whenever I am in need of advice, like the "I don't know what to do help me mom" kind of advice, she can tell me her mother caring and concerned opinion, and then I can go to her and ask for an opinion that would come from someone who isn't my mother, who has a neutral perspective on the situation, and she happily gives me both kinds of advice. She is a mother first, but she is also my best friend.

And like I said she is so beautiful. She has these piercing green eyes and long eye lashes. Her hair is a luscious golden blonde, that never tangles. She wakes up and it's perfectly straight, I swear. She's naturally beautiful and doesn't need to wear much makeup at all. Which leads me to wonder where my looks came from. I have naturally tight curly hair that's a strawberry blonde. I mean if I take the time to make my hair look good, then it's not so bad. My eyes are brown, nothing special about that. And I didn't get my moms facial features, which is why I have to wear makeup. I guess that doesn't sound so bad, but I wish I had my moms looks.

About My Dad:

Samuel Cade. My dad treats me like I'm still his little girl. He lets me date, but like all typical dads he gives each guy who comes over the tough guy routine, where he heckles them. Asking what their intentions are, and I need to be back before midnight, and blah blah blah. I tune out after a while. He also calls me kiddo. To him I'm still a little kid, and I always will be Daddy's little girl, just more grown up.

He's loves to play ball in the backyard still, and play games. He tries to get family game night going, but it never ends up working out. My dad is a car enthusiast, he adores cars. He helps neighbors fix up their cars. For some reason he still loves our old station wagon. I think it's because he remembers his family vacations when he was younger.

So, that's why right now we are in it driving to Michigan, that's why I have the time to think about my life. But I doubt anyone really cares about these tiny details. Anyway, he's a business man, I don't exactly know what he does, but something in a big cooperation.

More about me:

I have really long legs, which could be a good thing? Only if I knew how to flaunt them. My dad always jokes that I could be a model because I'm the 'perfect' height (I'm 5'7). I've been tall all my life. It was hard when I was little because I was always taller than all of the boys, until freshman year. I'm a senior, well now graduated, but I'm 18, going to be 19 in August. My birthday is actually on Labor Day, but that's not important.

In the fall I'm packing up for New York, attending NYU majoring in Fashion Design. I'm really excited. But I don't know what my parents will do without me. The entire family dynamic will change. When I'm not over thinking everything like I am now, I'm doodling new outfits in my sketch book, but I'm not an artist. I couldn't draw to save my life, but I can draw clothes and new fashion ideas.

I would say I'm pretty chatty, as you can tell, my mind is always running, like a mile a minute. By the way I hate running. I might be in shape, but I can't run. In gym I was always one of the last people to finish. I don't know why. It's like my legs just can't go any faster. I don't mind exercising, that's how I stay in shape.  I need to stay sort of in shape because I love to eat. I'm not like a crazy eater or anything, but sweets and desserts are my love. I love laying around watching movies and snacking, but doesn't every girl?

So, I'm pretty average I guess. I don't go out to a lot of parties, sometimes just small get togethers with friends. Not much of a rebel, but I'm not shy. I don't play any sports, I work hard to get good grades, Oh wait, Did I mention my name? It's Bridget.

About my social life:

I've never been one, to be popular. I have a lot of good friends, but I wouldn't say we are popular. Probably my closest friend at school is Melanie. Melanie is a cheerleader, she's the closest one to popular. I don't know, I hate that word popular. It doesn't much have meaning. Anyway, she's tried hooking me up with guys from the soccer team or swim team, but I don't know they just weren't my type.

As much as I might miss high school, I'm glad I'm done. I need a change. A new dating scene, I've been at the same school for eight years, so I know everyone and it just gets old. Each summer I keep saying this is the one, this is the summer I will find a new guy. Maybe I'll find someone who is handsome and adventurous, smart, funny, athletic, someone who loves me for me. I love grand gestures. I believe in love and in happily ever afters, but I'm not desperately searching for it. 

... but every girl dreams like this. 

About this Summer:

Every year I've been dreaming of when I would be old enough, to go to the young adults club in the Sea Turtle Resort, ridiculous name since there aren't any sea turtles. Anyway it's a club for young adults 17-20. Last year I just turned 17, but we had to leave since my birthday comes at the end of summer, so no fun for me. But at the beginning of each summer, on Memorial Day there's always a summer kick off party. With each party there's always a theme, this year it's masquerade. I can't wait, I love getting dressed up for things like this.

I'm hoping that my best friend and I can go. Also what's great about this summer is that I get to see my best friend, whom I haven't seen in here years. And that leads me to my best friend, Ash.

About My Best Friend:

My best friend lives up there too during the summer. Ash is my oldest and closest friend. We live about a mile down the shore from each other, which is great. We've been best friends since before we could even walk. We were always Ashy and Bridgie. But I haven't seen Ash since freshman year.

You see Ash loves to cook, fascinated by food. Baking, broiling, grilling, slicing, dicing, you name it, Ash has done it all. Sophomore year Ash was accepted into a 2 year culinary program in Chicago, so the last time I saw my Ashy was Labor Day weekend, my birthday weekend. Did I mention we live at our lake for the whole summer until Labor Day weekend, and go home until next year. Anyways, I can't wait to see Ash, the last time Ash had long hair, still sounded like a 10 year old girl, and had braces. We write to each other all of the time, it's our little tradition.

The last letter, which came yesterday, ended with, "I will be at the cottage tomorrow evening, so I think a movie night is in order. Can't wait to see you Bridgie. Love you!"

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