~The Night of Nights

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I arrived right around nine.

As you walk up to the doors, men with white gloves open the big elegant doors, and escort you inside. I walked in and it was the coolest thing. It was decorated so elegantly, but fun. Everyone had a mask on and looked so dressed up. I felt like we were all princes and princesses. Like this was a daydream.

I didn't really know what to do. I didn't know anyone, or really how to meet anyone. I have no idea if I'll even find Ash tonight. So, I thought I'd get some punch. The snack bar was not just filled with junk food, but gourmet food. There were little cocktail meatballs, mini pigs in a blanket, and tiny finger sandwiches, and everything looked and smelled so good.

The lights were dim and I was watching everyone dance. I was a little disappointed, just standing here alone with my cocktail meatballs. I don't even know if my best friend is here. Shouldn't I know more people? I feel like everyone has someone to talk to, except for me.

I decided to put down the food, and try to mingle. I tried to shimmy my way over to the huge crowd of everyone dancing. I forgot to mention that I can't dance. I didn't know what the song was, but I tried throwing my arms in the air and following along with the beat. I was having a good time.

Until it ended and a slow song came on. I kind of looked around, and found that everyone was finding a partner to dance with. I slowly started to back away.

I bump into something, or someone, and turned around. A really tall guy was behind me.

I looked up, "I'm so sorry!"

He laughed a little, "You're fine." His mask was black with red thread running around the edge, and a red matching bow tie.

I smiled back and awkwardly put my hand up, semi waved as I backed up. I turned back around walked straight for the snack bar. It's just one guy, I won't see him again anyway.

Once I got to the snack bar I reached for a napkin and someone else's hand landed on mine. Really? I pulled away and looked to see who it was. Someone with a crooked tie was smiling at me.

I smiled politely, "Sorry."

"No, no, it was my fault." He turned to me, he was about my height, "Actually, I wanted to know if you'd like to dance with me?"

"Uh, sure." He held out his hand and I took it. He led me out to the dance floor. One hand on his shoulder, the other resting on his hand. He placed his hand on my hip and took the lead.

I tried to follow along, but I had no clue what he was trying to do. I said that I was a bad dancer, but I don't think this guy was any better. We both kept looking down at our feet. He stepped on my toes, ouch! I winced a little.

"Oh I'm sorry."

I tried to smile, "It's fine."

I actually couldn't wait for the song to be over. It was 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran, one of my favorites, but this guy was not a good dancer. I could tell He was uncomfortable and his hand felt sweaty. Also, it was a little too cheesy the way he asked me to dance.

Finally I heard the final "To fly, to fly, to fly, Angels To Die" and the song ended.

I thanked him for the dance and we parted. Then the DJ said, "Alright Ladies and Gentlemen were gonna keep it slow for the next few songs. Get to know theses masked people around you, you never know who they might be. And enjoy the night"

'Dream' came on by Pricilla Ahn, definitely one of my top ten favorites slow songs. I wanted to look for someone new to dance with.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and a little bit of worry came over me thinking it could be the same bad dancer. I turned around. It was the guy with the red threaded mask. Relieved, I blushed, I couldn't help but smile at him. In a moment he slid his hand into mine and held it close to us, and placed his hand in the small of my back. We were close, but I could still look up at him. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

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