I Am A Monster : Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

My stomach is on fire. My back feels like it was trampled by a two-ton werewolf. Everything hurts. The girl is staring at me from a few feet away, smiling like she's having a good time.

"I would rather you stood and fought," she says. "You know, a last stand. But, I admit, it's fun to watch you like this."

I hate her. I hate her with everything in me. More than anything, I want to kill her.

"Go to hell," I spit, climbing to my feet. I'm sort of hunched, and there is a dark wound in my stomach (which is killing me, by the way), but as I watch, the blood sort of clears, like it's being dabbed at or something.


"Yeah, that's right," I say, getting a little more strength. "People are helping me, and you--can't--hurt--them."

She laughs carelessly. "I don't need to hurt them, silly Bree. I can still kill you. I can hurt them emotionally, and physically. You are the only thing stopping the vampires from invading this castle. Do you realize that? They need to figure you out first before they attack. Killing you would hurt everyone. Killing you would make things so much worse."

I'm about to say that she's an idiot, but my breath hitches in my throat as she throws a punch. It hits my arm, and I hear a crack. I scream. She throws a second punch just as quickly; but my own fist grazes her elbow and she withdraws back to the place she was before without dealing me any more damage.

My wrist is clearly broken. It hurts like hell. I'm shaking with rage and pain. Something straightens my wrist and I scream a second time. Then I have the vague feeling of my wrist being put in a cast. I can no longer move it.

"We will finish this another time," she hisses. She must realize that if I can hurt her back, she might be in danger. And I know that she doesn't like that fact.

I try to punch her, but she's way faster than me. She's already disappearing into the woods, her blond curls bouncing around her face.

* * *

Everything dissolves slowly. I'm in some sort of bed. Its sheets are white and it's really comfortable. Someone is dabbing at my stomach with a hot, wet towel.

I open my eyes to see a plump lady in a white nurse's uniform, with fiery red hair and dark, warm brown eyes. She has smile wrinkles around her eyes, and when she sees me she smiles at me.

"Hello, Sleeping Beauty," she tells me. "You were out for only a few minutes, don't worry. Sabrina brought you up."

She gestures towards the corner. Sabrina is sitting in a visitor's chair. Her dark, thick hair is pulled back into the usual pony. She has a bloodstained bandage on her arm that I hadn't noticed earlier. Her coal black eyes regard me closely.

I blush at the nurse's compliment. "What happened?" I ask slowly, looking around.

I'm in some sort of hospital room. There is a row of beds pressed up against the right wall, and another row pressed up against the left. The beds, the night tables next to them, the vases of white roses, the walls, the ceiling, the floor, everything is white. The only thing looking out of place is the huge diamond chandelier hanging from the ceiling, glittering and glimmering. My stomach feels like it's been pierced with a thousand needles, and my back is aching. My wrist has some sort of cast on it.

"You're in the 'hospital wing'," says the nurse. "It wasn't actually supposed to be called that, but some Harry Potter geek thought it would be funny, and the queen decided to humor her. The king, of course, thought it was mildly amusing. So...." She gestures around at everything. "That's what it was called."

I raise my eyebrows. She half-smiles at me, before dabbing the towel at my stomach again. I suck in my breath, feeling the sting. I'm so tired of pain. I wonder what it would be like without the pain.

"Bree," says Sabrina, disrupting me and the nurse's conversation, "we need to figure out about these 'visions'. They're literally going to kill you."

I feel like the harsh truth is being thrown in my face.

"Sabrina--" I protest.

"I know someone who might be able to help," she interrupts, ignoring my pleas.

She darts out of the room.

I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. I didn't have time.

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