I Am A Monster : Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend thedevildoglone. Just look up her name. Thank you so much. And btw there are a LOT more chapters to go....

Chapter 6

Marcus and I are both fighting and snarling. They have the advantage of surprise, but we have teamwork. Their twisted minds cannot grasp the help of teamwork. I use the mind link to tell Marcus my plan. We attack the weaker vampire as one, stab his heart quickly, and then quickly move on to the stronger one. Seeing he's outnumbered, he turns and tries to run away, but Marcus chases him down.

I got it, it's fine! he tells me. Go!

And I do. I run over the hill where I last saw Amari.

She's left a trail of blood in her wake. She and the last vampire are battling at the bottom of the hill. Amari is limping, but the vampire isn't as strong as her, so they're even. Her eyes are slits. She snarls ferociously, completely ignoring the dagger in her right arm, though limping. I barrel down the hill in wolf form and knock over her enemy. He screams, but I don't stop running. I push him all the way against a rock. Behind me, I hear the soft whoosh of Amari morphing. She walks up next to me, dagger in hand, just as Marcus joins us. Then she stabs his chest. He gasps in pain, and then his head falls sideways and he slowly slumps to the ground.

I don't spare his corpse a glance. Instead, I look at Amari. Her eyes are shut, but I can tell she's in a lot of pain. Marcus begins to look frantic.

"I'm fine," she grunts.

"Marcus, can I borrow a piece of your shirt?" I ask Marcus. He nods, rips off a strip, and hands it to me. I grab the nearest vine I can see, ripping it out of the ground. I put the cloth on her arm and tie the vine around it. She winces slightly.

"Guys," says Marcus, "I know this is bad timing and all, but I've been up the entire night. I need rest...." Amari nods once, then morphs and offers him her back.

"No," I say, "Amari, you'll ruin your back. He'll ride mine."

I morph into my usual black wolf and Marcus climbs on.

I'm sorry about your mother, I tell Marcus. It shouldn't have happened like that.

His fists clench, and I can tell he's holding back tears.

Just...don't talk about it, he replies.

Amari and I begin to run. While we're running, I ask her questions using the Werewolf Mind Link. It only works if you know the werewolf you're contacting, so I can't use it with just anyone. It works over up to about ten miles. She tells me he doesn't know where her father is. She says she's almost given up hope. On the day her mother died, the vampires ran straight into the room. They flooded inside. She slipped out of the door and watched from behind a tree, thinking she'd startle a running vampire. His dad burst from the side of the wood; she explained clearly how the wood went flying in all directions, and the wild, scary look in his eyes.

About ten vampires chased him straight into the woods and he morphed and was soon out of sight. Marcus was hell-bent on chasing him, but then a group of vampires peeled off, having caught his scent, and he was chased straight in the other direction. Amari tried to use the Mind Link with him, and her father told her exactly what was happening. Then her father told her to stay brave and safe, and that he was getting too far away and going too fast to turn. Amari told me all about the fading of his mind voice, about the uncertainty, the fear, the tense minutes. Then Amari had finally ran away into the woods, having managed to kill off the vampires by felling several trees (something that I couldn't doubt Amari could have done) and hadn't heard from her father since. When she'd tried to use the Mind Link in the prison, she couldn't reach her father, which meant he hadn't been in the prison.

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