Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Few days later, Nick kept recording and doing How to Succeed; Amber's episode for Queen Latifah came on, and Amber loved the intro that she had done for it, and it really drew you in to watch it.

"Amber Scott, season 11 American Idol runner-up, comes for a one on one interview with me about her childhood growing up; childhood secrets that will shock you. Even a few surprise guests stop by with big announcements. Hear what she is doing now; Amber will sing; she will even get to meet her true number one fan, and you won't believe who it is. Even a surprise for Amber that she would never had expected. You don't want to miss it. Here on the next Queen Latifah."

The show was a big hit for Queen Latifah, Amber and Zac called each other and felt better that they announced that they were family and Nick and Amber's engagement too.

Soon, a month has past, and it was now April, and Amber was getting ready to pack one morning. Nick walked out of the shower and saw her packing a large suitcase. He froze in the doorway watching her.

"Amber?" he asked.

"Yeah?" she asked going and packing more clothes.

"Um, what are you doing?" he asked.

Amber smiled, "I'm going away for a few months. I'll meet you back in LA."

"Going away?" he asked.

Amber looked at him. "Don't tell me that you forgot I agreed to go film a movie with Zac?"

Nick's eyes widen, "Oh yeah."

Amber, Zac, and a director that he was going to do a movie with, talked her into doing a movie with him last year while she was visiting with her parents for the first time. She auditioned for it, got a part, but the contract had to be written up before she could do it, and promised to get her album out before doing the movie. Surprisingly Zac had no idea she got the part or the contract was getting signed.

Amber smiled, "Zac doesn't know that I'm coming. The director and I are going to surprise them."

Nick laughed, "Putting your acting skills to work huh?"

"Yep. I'm to call the director when I get there and figure out how to introduce myself to the cast without blowing my cover surprising Zac."

"You'll think of something," he told her with a smile.

Amber smiled and finished packing. "Okay, my hair stuff I'll just buy when I get there so that I don't have problems." She went back to get a few small things while Nick watched her.

"Amber?" he asked.

"Yeah?" she asked looking over.

"I'll miss you."

She smiled, "I'll miss you too."

"But I want you to have fun."

"Oh, I will," she laughed zipping up her bag. "Okay, now Rob is to come up and help me with my bag, now I need a small carryon."

Nick sighed and turned back around and went to finish getting ready.

"Nick?" he heard her call out.

"Yes," he said going to the window to his room to look outside.

She got to the bedroom doorway of his room and looked in. "I would like you to come with us to the airport." She went up to him and hugged him from behind. "I wasn't planning on not saying good-bye the right way."

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