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"C'mon Devin we have to go" I demanded

"Why do we? It's Friday?" he whined

"Don't you remember we have to help mom with dinner we promised" I told him

"Hmm doesn't ring a bell" he said trying to walk away.

I glared at him knowing what I meant. He doesn't like my glares he thinks they're uncomfortable.

"Ugh alright fine" he said as he put his head back and whined

We entered the house and I called for mom. No answer. I called for Aspen. No answer. Hmm wonder where everyone is?

I heard a scream. Devin.

"Devin?! What happened?" I yelled terrified
"I don't know I just saw her here" he said as he started to cry

It was Aspen on the kitchen floor with blood everywhere. The knife with blood on and her scars. She would never do anything like this. This is a catastrophe!

"Aspen wake up please" Devin said while shaking her

"Come on wake up" he whimpered

He put his hand on her hand and she had a pulse she's still breathing!.

"She's still breathing!" Devin exclaimed

I let out the air.

"We need to take her to the hospital" I suggested

"I'll call mom"

"Wait.. Darrin how are we supposed to take her to the hospital?" Devin asked

"We can call 911 dummy" I said as I shook my head in disappointment

Devin called 911 and I called mom. Mom was in tears of what I told her of what happened. She told me that she's leaving work and she's on her way.

The ambulance arrived and they launched her onto the girdle. We rode with her in the back. They tried for her to open her eyes but she was still in a slumber.

"What exactly happened here?" The nurse asked us

"Does it look like we know?! We just found out" Devin said raising his voice

"Devin, chill out" I said as I punched him

His fists were bawled up tight like his fingers were about to explode.

We arrived at the hospital and they rushed Aspen to a room. Devin and I were in the waiting room. Devin was shaking his right leg while he was chewing his nails. I looked over at him and put my arm around him.

"It's going to be okay" I said trying to sooth him

He gave me a fake smile.

A few hours later mom came in running towards us. Me and Devin both stood up and she hugged us both.

"What happened to my baby? Is she okay?" Mom asked while tears were escaping from her eyes

"We don't know all we saw was she had cuts in her arm and she was bleeding out of control" Devin explained

"This is nothing like Aspen.. Why would she do this?" She said while looking down

"Wait... those two boys uh Grayson and Ethan. Do they know anything about this?" She asked me

"Uh I have no idea" I answered her

Ethan came in a little while.

"You! What did you do to my sister?!" Devin yelled as he was about to punch Ethan

"Devin stop!" I yelled holding him back

"What did you do?!!" Devin yelled

"What did you do to her" Devin kept yelling

Devin kept scrambling around which was hard making me lose my grip.

"I didn't do anything to her... What even in the hell happened" Ethan asked

"She self-harmed herself" mom told him

His eyes went wide.

"No. no no no no no no." he said while putting his hands on his head and starting walking in circles

Devin kept glaring at Ethan. Devin had calmed down then. He would get angry again then get sad and over and over again.

"Ms Griffen" The nurse called

"Yes?!" she said getting very quickly and jogging to the nurse

"What's going on with my daughter?"

"She's fine. She just woke up and we are doing a few test at the moment" the nurse said while writing

"Oh my god, can I see her?" my mom asked

"Yeah in a few minutes"

My mom came over back to us and told us everything that happened.

"Would why she ever even self harm herself?" I asked

"I think I might know" Ethan said standing looking nervous

i hope you enjoy this chapter! if you're going through something like self harm stay strong and keep your head up high. Don't let people bring you down. You're strong and beautiful. ily
- jay xx

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