chapter 15

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"Wait! Can't we talk this over?" Atticus asked.

Lena glared. "I'm sorry, Atticus, I really liked you."

"Lena, all I want to do is talk, that's all, no tricks." Atticus said.

"Hmm... Let us hear what he has to say." Simone said.

"Very well..." Lena smirked. "Only because I'd hate to see him suffer more than his precious girlfriend."

Mo growled slightly at that.

Mo and the other's voodoo dolls were all tied up while Atticus's voodoo doll wasn't tied up.

"Wow us and dazzle us, Wiccan Boy." Simone said to Atticus.

"I know what happened on the day of when Morgan Moonscar and his crew attacked you and your people." Atticus said.

"How do you know?" Simone asked. "You weren't even born."

Drell gripped his collar nervously as he twiddled his fingers in fear.

"Because my vision powers were able to give me a vision of what happened on that night." Atticus said.

"Oh, is that right?" Simone glared. "Why should we do what you say?"

"Join us, Atticus..." Lena smirked as she held out her hand to him. "You could live forever and we could all rule the world together."

"I'm sorry, but I'm already a werecreature." Atticus said.

"That makes it even better..." Simone smiled darkly.

"I gotta get out of here!" Drell panicked.

"Drell Batsworth, is that you?" Simone then asked.

"Uh, no, it's not..." Drell smiled nervously. "I-I-I'm just a handsome identical stranger."

"Oh, it's you alright; I recognize you anywhere." Simone smirked evilly.

"Don't be silly..." Drell sweated nervously. "I-I-I mean, I'm just a dopey mortal!"

"You can't lie to me, Drelly Bean." Simone smirked.

"I hate that nickname so much..." Drell shuddered.

"Oh, Drell, it's been too long..." Simone stroked his face with her clawed fingertip. "Didn't you miss me?"

"Oh, someone please just burn me at the stake..." Drell shivered.

"Well, at least they're the only two werecats we'll have to deal with." Discord smiled nervously.

"Yeah... Right..." Drell laughed nervously himself.

Simone even stroked the warlock's hair. Drell trembled and shivered behind Cherry.

"I'm afraid you are wrong, because we have another werecat here on this island." Lena smirked.

"You're bluffing." Cherry glared in deadpan.

"She's not lying, my dear." Simone smirked.

"Then who's the other werecat?" Cherry then demanded.

"Let me guess, it's the ferry driver, isn't it?" Atticus asked.

"You are a rather smart one..." Simone smiled darkly.

"I knew there was something up with him..." Atticus glared.

"What was his name again?" Patch asked.

"If you must know, his name is Jacques," Lena replied. "And you are all doomed."

Drell trembled. "I was afraid of this..."

Cherry and Atticus on Zombie IslandWhere stories live. Discover now