chapter 13

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Atticus stayed close to the ground as he saw his little sister's footprints with Patch's paw prints.

"I have a sneaky suspicion about that guy." Big Mona said.

"Who, the gardener?" Cherry asked as she kept a firm hold on the catfish's bowl.

"Yeah." Big Mona nodded.

"He does seem a bit odd..." Cherry had to agree with them there.

"Let's just hope he's not dangerous." Atticus said.

"You okay, Mona?" Cherry asked.

"Don't spill my water!" Big Mona warned.

Atticus soon used his magic to make the bowl spill free.

"I'm gonna need that with how clumsy I am." Cherry said.

"I know." Atticus said.

Cherry narrowed her eyes since Atticus admitted her clumsiness.

"What?" Atticus asked.

"Nothing..." Cherry sighed in annoyance.

They continued their way to look for Darla, Patch, and the others.

"Darla?" Atticus frowned. "Patch? Oh, come on, guys!"

"Where could they be?" Big Mona asked.

"Too bad I'm not a dog otherwise I could probably sniff them out..." Cherry shrugged.

"Hmm..." Atticus and Mo hummed in thought about that.

"What?" Cherry glanced at them.

"You just gave them an idea." Big Mona said.

Cherry sighed in long-suffering. "I always seem to."

Atticus then used his magic to turn Cherry into a dog.

Cherry became a tiny and kind of annoying dog like Scooby's nephew, she then put her nose against the ground and sniffed it. "Wait, I think I'm getting something."

"What do you smell?" Atticus asked.

"Strawberries with a hint of swampiness... Also some tuna fish breath." Cherry replied.

"One of them sounds like a cat." Atticus said.

"I think Darla's the strawberries, she always smells sweet." Mo suggested.

Cherry still sniffed, then grunted. "For some reason, I can smell the ferry engine, but I thought it didn't run at night?"

"I have a feeling Simone lied." Atticus said.

"I'm smelling... Fear..." Cherry said.

"Scooby and Shaggy." Atticus and Mo muttered about that.

"I also smell dog breath." Cherry said.

"Oh, thank goodness..." Atticus looked relieved.

"Anything else?" Mo asked.

"Something dead..." Cherry shrugged. "Not sure what though."

"That must be the zombies." Atticus said.

"Oh, boy..." Cherry said. "This is not good."

"Let's follow the scent of fear." Mo said.

"It's a very distinct scent." Cherry said as she led the way in her new dog form.

"It should be easy to follow it since; it's Shaggy's and Scooby's fear." Atticus said.

"Totally." Cherry agreed as she tracked down the cowardly duo with Atticus's spotted puppy and adoptive little sister.

"Maybe we should have brought Casper with us, so then Velma wouldn't have to be alone with Beau." Mo said.

Cherry and Atticus on Zombie IslandWhere stories live. Discover now