The incounter

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Alex's pov
Me and Lisa have been searching for Jordan since the outbreak. Lisa doesn't know but it was Ross who started it and I can't tell her she's been through to much already. We were walking through the woods when we heard voices. We quickly climbed a tree to get a good view. We saw four men about Ross' age and they all had weapons. Are you sure this is the right was nick. One asked yes ak I'm sure "nick" said I looked at Lisa and she was pale and shaking. We haven't had good experiences with others in the past so I can see why.
Lisa pov
We saw strange men and I had no idea what to do I was scared I could tell Alex was looking at me worried she is always looking out for me. The branch I was sitting on suddenly broke and I fell right behind them with a loud crash the everything went black.
Alex pov
Lisa just fell and past out. I jumped down in front of her as the men pulled out their guns. No matter what they were not going to shoot her. The one who the called Nick stepped forward as he did I took a step back. He said to drop way weapons. I did as told the he asked my name I stayed quiet because I don't trust these people.  He neals down a little to be at my height even though I was 5'3. As soon as he did I slapped him picked up my sister bridle stile and ran as fast as I could. As night fall came I set up camp and Lisa started to wake up,
Nick pov
We heard a crash from behind and we see two girls about 15 one was on the branch that fell nocked out the other was protectively Infront of the other. The awake one puts he weapons on the floor and when I bent down to her higher she slapped me and I fell the others looked in shock. In the confusion she took her sister and ran I got up and ran after them but I tripped and lost them.
Alex pov
The first thing Lisa does when she wakes up is scream I put my hand over her mouth to keep her quiet and she licked me. At like three in the morning I dicided to go to sleep when I heard the people agien. I picked up the essentials woke up Lisa and set the camp on fire as we ran. Into an abandoned town or so I thought.
Reds pov (didn't see that one coming did you)
I saw two young girls enter haysworth, twins. Men get ready I yelled before I aproched the girls. As soon as they saw me one pulled out a gun and pushed the other behind her.
Alex pov
I saw a man in a gilly suit come to us I pulled out my gun a pushed Lisa behind me. he came at us with a sick grin and said welcome to haysworth, I see you got my invitation. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a two men coming down the ally probably for a sneak attack so I grabbed Lisa's hand and ran as fast as I could into the woods when we came across a ship that looked I good condition. My plan was to steal it to help us find Jordan. After trying to finger out the controls Lisa came in panicked saying there were people here. As she finished her sentence the door opened to show one of the men from earlier when he saw us he shut the door behind him so we can't leave. As he walked closer I pulled out my gun and amid at his head. He stopped and again asked my name this time I said why do you care. He answered with we are not going to hurt you. I said prove it and let us go. He said he can't. Well why not, because I can't your just kids. DON'T CALL US KIDS. I yell getting his friends involved with them banging on the door. I sighed tell us your name first. Nick he said I'm Alex this is Lisa, can we go now? No you can't sorry Nick said fine then who are your friends I said as he opened the door this is ghetto, shark, and ak Nick said pointing to each of his friends as he said there names. LET US GO Lisa yelled which is weird for her and with that I broke the window grabbed my sister and jumped.

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