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I watched the snow fall out the window of the cdc as I had just finished crying. Nick told me that he met Jordan my little brother and he was killed by Red, just giving me more reason to kill that son of a bitch. I walk out of the room I locked myself in to see jin leaning against the wall and Nick sitting on the ground most likely waiting for me to open the door. When they see me they get up and Jin comes and hugs me, when he lets go i say "I'm going to kill him" "who" Nick asks "Ross or Red, witch ever I find first" I answer "I don't care what you say I need revenge" I continue "can we help" asks Jin I smile and nod at this. "That is if you stay here with us for the time being" Nick continues I think about this for awhile, "yes" you finally answer

Time skip three months

I'm currently on a supply run with Nick and ghetto when we find a girl in the abandoned road, as you guys get closer you realize who it is "LISA" you cry sprinting over two her nealing down to check her pulse. Still beating good you put her head on you lap and splash some water on her face as the guys slowly come up to me, as soon as the water touches her face she opens her eyes when I see her bright blue eyes I hug her like my life depended on it. She surveys her surroundings when her eyes land on the guys her grip tightens on my shirt "hey, it's ok they won't hurt you" I tell her softly "this is Nick and Ghetto. They have been helping me" I continue she nods at me slowly unsure of the new comers. "Nick continue with out me I'm taking my sister back to base" i say picking Lisa up bridle stile "you sure" Ghetto asks "yes we survived most of the apocalypse with just each other, I think we can make it the short trip back to base" I say back starting to walk "ok if your sure" Nick answers.

Time skip back to base cause I'm lazy

As we enter the base Lisa still in my arms I start inspecting her cat ears and tail. "He made you a hybrid to huh" you whisper to yourself you enter the lab to get her help if she's hurt x spots you as soon as enter he opens his mouth to say something but closes it when he sees Lisa. He walks over to take my sister from my arms but I tighten my grip on her protectively. He understands and tells me to set her on the bed he will look her over to make sure she's not hurt. Lisa soon woke up and gave me one of her bone crushing hugs, we were alone in the lab as Jin and x had gone to sleep "where are we" she asks "the cdc, it's a good strong base" I answer I give her a reassuring smile. Shark soon came in with dinner that he made, he hands me our food and leaves being careful to not startle my twin that was hiding behind me "who was that" she asks "his name is shark" I say "he's an amazing cook, here try some" I said handing her the food. "Why" she says "why what" "why did Ross do this to us" he's crazy he started the apocalypse" "when are we going to find Jordan" when she said this tears came to my eyes " we're not, because he's dead" "no...NO! How long have you known this" she's says crying I just sit on the bed as she crys into my chest. When she finishes Jin comes in she looks at me for confirmation, I just nod we end up staying up all night talking and laughing

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