Weird Skeletons?

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(I would like too thank Siberian_l3lueeyes for the picture of the girl holding the bear, they posted their comment in 2017 and me being an idiot then had said: "I don't need it anymore", you haven't been online since 2017, but I sincerely would love too thank you.)

Paperjam took me by the hand and lead me into a room full of toys and many other things, but the things that caught my attention was the smaller skeletons running around the room.

"Kids!" Jammy hollered, clapping his hands, "come meet the new child!"

"Skeletons, why so many skeletons," I murmurred and hid behind the cakertakers' leg, holding Oscar closer to my chest.

"There is a new kid." Jammy repeated, ge was going too say more but was cut off by another kid skeleton dressed in all blue.

"There is a new kid," the child skeletom yelled with stars forming in his eyes, "where are they, Mr. Papjerjam!?"

Mr. Paperjam, I thought, wasn't his name just Mr. Jammy? Did he have many names? Withput warning as I thought about this I let out a sneeze, and quickly covered my nose mouth with my free hand when I let it out, but it was far too late as Jammy had stepped from in fromt of me, and I was the only thing standing there. Two child skeletons ran at me, I covered my face with Oscar feeling as if these two skeletons would run and knock me over, which never did actually happen.

"Hello new friend! My name is Blueberry!" The blue skeleton shouted holding out a hand for me.

I uncover my eyes and stare at his hand and shook my head not taking it.

"My name is Dream!" The other skeleton yelled.

Dream and Blueberry embraced me, I smile faintly, hoefully they did not ser that.

"How about you take your hoodie off," Blueberry suggested, "I'd love too see the new face skeleton friend we have."

Did they not realize I was human, was my hoodie that big too the point they couldn't tell that I was human? Mom said it was a right size. I stare down at my feet and finally grabbed thr back of my hoodie that was benath the yellow overalls I wore and finally I pulled it down. I stared back up and noticed the surprised expressions plastered on Blueberry and Dream's face, but suddenly those expressions twosted into large smiles.

In awe Blueberry spoke, "you look like such an awesome human."

I couldn't help it and my smile grew much wider as they both noticed this they began running circles around me. I let out a small, quiet, chuckle at this. After a while of they doing this I heard footsteps coming from behind me then I felt someone poke my shoulder. I turned around shakily.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" The skeleton with a tear like trail running down his skull had screamed at me, I wanted too bawl my eyes out from gia screaming alone, "why are you here!?"

My two new friends stopped in theor tracks as they noticed this skeletom standing before me.

"Do't scare them, Error, just leave them be." Blueberry walked over.

Dream ran to Blueberry's side and both of them argued with that Error about hpw he shouldn't be yelling at me like that. I watched this blankly and began tuning it out as it went on. I turned too walk away but felt mysef lifted in the air, and scrambled too hold toghter too Oscar as he began slipping from my grip.

"Huh!?" I let escape from my lips, I turned my head not seeing anyone holding me but I did see that Error with his arm up, was he using magic? If he was, how could I do it too?

"Error," Dream seemed too growl, "put them down!"

"Fine!" The coal boned skeleton sighed and lowered their arm leaving me on my feet.

Error walked away after placing me down, was that his hello? What an odd one.

"Are you okay?" Blueberry asked.

I nodded very quickly in response

"Can you tell us what your name is?" Blue then asked.

"Y/N, my name is Y/N Mochida." I answer before looking qt my arms.

My eues widened as I saw Oscar was missing, how was that even possible, heck, my arms were still in the same position as if I was holding him. I began looking around and npticed Errpr holding something as he was walkimg away. I squinted in suspicion as if I could see farther. He turned slightly and there in his boney arms was my Oscar! Rage was quickly forming inside of me no one could take my Oscar away from me. My teeth clenched together and my hands turned too fists. I stood up right and began stomping my way over to that boney coal skeleton.

"Is something wrong, Y/N?" Dream worriedlt asked as I past him by.

I made no response as my attention was focussed on Oscar and that Error. I paused as I noticed Error hand away, and I quote, MY OSCAR, to a bandaged headed skeleton.

Publish; October 19, 2016
Edited; December 11, 2017
Edit #2; June 13, 2019

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