My Oscar!

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I run towards Error and the other skeleton. Blueberry and Dream followed me. I stop in front of them.

"Hey!" I shouted.

Error looks at me, the other skeleton smiles towards me.

"That bear belongs to me!" I scream towards Error.

"Who said?" He asked.

I had an urge too punch the tears off his skull.

"What is his name?" I question with my arms crossed.

Error smieked. "Heh. Bears don't need names," Error spoke, handing it to the other skeleton.

"If you don't leave, Horror, here will rip the bears head off." Error threatened.

Horror took the top of Oscar's head. I put my arms to my side and stare at Oscar. He started pulling on it. I screamed, and jump on top of Horror. Horror dropped Oscar. I stand up quickly grabbing Oscar. I run away towards a crowd of skeletons who stopped and looked at me. I ran into someone and stumble over. I look up. The skeleton had tears in his eyes. I stpod. The skeleton had a brown scarf. I stare at him and then run away again but to my surprise I was picked up. I look up. It was Mr. Jammy.

Uh, oh.

"What is going on here!" Paperjam shouted.

"Error stole Y/N's teddy bear. Y/N jumped on Horror to get the bear back and started running. They stumbled into Ink then started running again to now." Blueberry explained.

Paperjam looked at Error and Horror.

"Error, is that true?" Pj asked.

Error nods slightly, eyeing me. I hold Oscar close, but was put down. Before Pj could get to Error, I stuck mt tongue out at Error. He had a frown then looked up at Jammy.

Published: Oct 21, 2016
Edited: Nov 15, 2018

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