I sit here in my room doing my history report on the Eighth amendments clause cruel and unusual punishment. My we got out early today so I didn't have be in a secluded study hall that makes hell look like a pansy. But it wasn't the only wrong today. Fucking India moms exes daughter is trying to fucking take my fucking best friends. She asked if we could talk and honestly after all the shit she put me through I told her to fuck off before I shoved my trumpet up her ass sideways. Plus now since her plan worked and I learned that If Jacob broke up with me over them then I deserve better. Now India's with him and I honestly can't wait until she knows how bad of a kisser he is. I have the best guy in the world and he saved my life. If I wouldn't have had the courage to message an unknown person, I would've taken a whole container of pills, slit my wrists, and went into a forever slumber. He means so much to me and he is my version of perfect! Since we started dating I've only cut twice and they were not deep at all, compared to 15 deep ones a day.

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