The mission was easy. Go in. get the info. Get out. That's all. Sadly Iron Man let out some major details. Like the armed guards and the land mines.
Wasp and YellowJacket quickly got in the building. Aim had info stored here. The info was on were bases were and weapons and basic training. The info could be used to stop Aim.
YellowJacket took care of the guards. Wasp went for the files.
While YellowJacket ran to the meeting spot he tripped a alarm. The whole buildings lights went out then flashed red. Sirens loudly screeched. YellowJacket gave a small curse and continued. He reached the meeting spot. Wasp was waiting for him their. She was in her smaller form. The file was on the table next to her.
Wasp gave a small smile.She turned towards the window. YellowJacket took the file and kicked the window open. He looked back. Wasp was smiling still. An explosion went off behind them. The door was kicked down. Aim agent stormed in. Wasp pushed YellowJacket out of the way of the oncoming bullets.
Time slowed down. She seemed to vibrate. Bullets ran through her small form like wild horses. She gasped and fell towards the floor.
YellowJacket dived forwards and caught her. He was shocked. Why did she push him out of the way. He turned towards the man who fired. Rage filled him.
The men seemed to sense this. They dropped their weapons and ran. YellowJacket started to pursuit then stopped. He looked down at Jan then walked back towards the window. He jumped out.
Jan felt her sight slip. Everything seemed sideways. She finally passed out.
YellowJacket took her back to the Avengers base. Jarvis let him in. Ironman was the first to enter the room. YellowJacket was sitting next to the door. In his hands laid wasp. She was curled up in a ball. Blood had already started to form a puddle.
Ironman took her down stairs and into the med bay. He had to inject her with a formula that would make her grown back to her normal size.
Days had passed. Jan still layed with an IV in her wrist. Slowly dripping. Yellow jacket had been by her side the entire time. Janet or wasp had been out for a week. Nothing seemed to wake her up. She was on the brink of death when she came in. Blood loss and a few ribs that were broken from the bullets hitting her. The bullets were mere inches from her heart.
Yellow jacket sat next to her bed for the whole week. Each meal was brought by another avengers. Some would stay and comfort him. Others would give him space. He felt as if it was his fault. Bandages were wrapped around her chest neck and stomach. YellowJacket felt every cut and wound was caused him. He hurt her didn't he? Wasn't it him who let her push him? Was he the one who shot her? Questions seemed to float around him.
Ironman had been taking care of wasp. Hank or YellowJacket had been barely eating meals were brought to him but he would take one or two bite then be done. Ironman was now sick of it. So he took action. He grabbed hank much to his disliking and dragged him out. Hank was put outside.
He didn't leave though. He would sit on the roof. Waiting for word on Janets condition. Soon the waiting paid off.
Jan saw a small light. The light turned into a large picture. The picture was Hank. He was sitting next a bed of sorts. Was it a hospital bed? Yes it is. Whose hand was he holding?Was it hers? It was! Jan took a step back. Was she was she dead? No thats not true. She turned around another picture. It was pitch black. Jan placed her hand on the picture and peered in. She moved her face closer as to see if anything was there. Nothing. Jan then watched as she was sucked in the picture. Her arm was being pulled in. She tried pulling it back but it wouldn't move. She soon tired out. She was completely in the picture.